View Full Version : Does stress at work/school make you HA worse?

09-03-18, 20:22
I noticed that every time i'm really stressed out at work my health anxiety gets A LOT worse. I guess it's like a weird coping mechanism. Instead of worring about the situation at work, i find something worse to stress about (read: death from a horrible disease)

Am I the only one?

au Lait
09-03-18, 21:57
Yes, I know what you mean. My anxiety has changed over the years from general to health anxiety, and I’ve found that no matter what kind of anxiety it is, it’s almost always exacerbated but stress.

10-03-18, 07:36
I think so for sure. I noticed last year, while under a lot of stress from work, that I began to have pretty severe health anxiety and anxiety in general. Haven't been the same since but things have gotten better as my stress levels have gone down.