View Full Version : Worried about jaw pain

09-03-18, 20:41

Let me start by saying that I've suffered with anxiety/hypochondria for most of my adult life. It's come and gone over the years but these last 5 months it's been pretty bad. Anyway...

Timeline of events - Last week of January I get the flu

Week later flu has gone but 11th Feb I begin to feel an ache in my lower left jaw. I originally thought it might have been a molar growing through

Across next week the ache continued on and off, moving to right side of jaw too, as well as feeling aches behind ears and down back of neck

16th Feb I bought myself a night mouth guard that I started to wear at night. Across the next few days the ache turned into more of a stiffness and seemed to have gone by Feb 23rd.

5th March - Started to feel discomfort under chin on left hand side (near styloglossus), as well as aches in sternal head muscles in neck

7th March - Constant achiness throughout day on either side of face, particularly behind ears and around the back of my head (seemed to subside when I went to gym)

Today - Aches in jaw and around back of head. Also feeling slightly lightheaded and spaced out.

Other symptoms - Had a feeling of a thick throat over last week too that's come and gone

Trying to wear over the ear headphones has caused ache in head, causing me to stop wearing them.

Had my ears cleaned in mid December (using a mini vacuum, that caused me to feel dizzy for a few days afterwards)

As I said at start of thread, I suffer with anxiety, so having looked online I'm scared I've got something like jaw cancer, a brain tumour etc.


09-03-18, 20:47
So I would say it’s a sinus thing. Not necessarily an infection, maybe post nasal drip or catarrh. When I get a bad cold it often affects my sinuses, and hurts in my jaw, face, cheeks and head. I would take some painkillers, try and steam as much as possible- hot bath/shower or google other options.

Go and check yourself out with the gp if you’re still worried next week.

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09-03-18, 22:22
Would sinuses cause this? My throat seems to have been ok the last few days, whilst the jaw and neck have been aching.

I'll give the hot bath thing a go.

10-03-18, 07:40
Sinuses could have started it. I’m not sure the jaw guard would have helped? I would have thought that’s the kind of thing your gp should have prescribed.

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