View Full Version : Finding multiple lumps on my rib cage under the skin

09-03-18, 20:50
Hi! I have been suffering from quite severe lymphoma worries but doctors convincing me I am fine has made me forget the whole deal BUT now I am constantly poking my rib cage area and my breasts (I am a male).

I am quite thin and some of my ribs are visibly through my skin when I am standing and my breasts are quite flat with other parts of my chests.

After sitting in front of a PC for several hours, I found that a muscle above my right breast was tender and I palpated it a bit.. then a lot and then I moved on checking the tissue on my rib cage. I was shocked! There are a dozen lumps there. Like five on the left side and around six on the right side. They are between my ribs and some on the ribs, in the fatty tissue, which I have a bit there even though I am quite slim. Many of them are under and around my nipples! :ohmy:

I think they are like 0.5cm times 1cm, meaning they are a bit oval. Also, they are not visible through the skin meaning they are probably just around 1-5mm thick and that's what they feel like too... However, I am worried if they are something sinister that hasn't just developed into anything larger. Or, if they are malign lumps alltogether and I should have them checked.

I have read that many people have fatty tissue on their ribs and around their breasts, especially women but as a male, idk... Do we usually have lumply fat there? I don't have fatty lumps like that elsewhere though. Other parts where some tissue is, feel like porridge, if that makes sense; really soft, small bumps in soft jam. But no hard and capsulated things like around my ribs.

What should I do? I am worried. I just first want to know if they are common (normal/everyone has them) or if they should be checked out. I have visited the hospital a dozen times over the course of a few months and seen like 4 doctors. They might account this all for hypochondria and not examine my chest properly. I don't know. :weep:

10-03-18, 09:49
Bump. I don't think they are lymph nodes though. They are everywhere on my ribs and I find large concentrations of them around my breasts themselves. Also they don't feel like nodes that much. (Or I don't want them to be nodes...)

10-03-18, 11:25
Frankly, it's most likely just normal bodily lumps and bumps. They've always been there but due to your heightened sense of anxiety and self examination, you've "discovered" them and have attributed something negative to them. We're not made of porcelain you know ;)

Positive thoughts

10-03-18, 11:30
I have those too! They have been there for years - never been sure what to make of them. Pretty sure they are just normal (I'm a fairly skinny guy too)

10-03-18, 11:36
I have those too! They have been there for years - never been sure what to make of them. Pretty sure they are just normal (I'm a fairly skinny guy too)

Thanks for your reply. Most likely they are. I pondered that if I developed those lumps just recently, they must have grown at a really fast pace meaning that if they keep up growing at the same pace they would be huge but they aren't. They are the same.

Probably the fat just forms such nodules there. It's just hard to convince a hypochondriac something is not sinister. It's like "innocent until proved guilty" but the other way around.

22-04-18, 17:55
Hi, I’m glad I found this thread becasue I actually have the same issue. I think my anxiety caused sharp pains in my left ribs, after feeling around a little bit I noticed a lot of little lumps in the area of the pain. It makes me feel better other people have these, I guess it’s normal and since you’re pretty thin it’s easier to feel this. Are you still worried at all?