View Full Version : Anti medical industry PLEASE RESPOND

09-03-18, 21:24
I would like to know if there is anyone here who is anti conventional medicine. I at times go to doctors but try very hard to use natural home remedies as much as possible. If anyone has information on this topic or can refer me to a site with this info I would greatly appreciate it.

10-03-18, 09:48
Any responses?

10-03-18, 12:18
Sometimes people don't have an answer, especially to a question like this one.

Also this is my personal opinion but I am thinking that if you keep adding PLEASE RESPOND to most of your threads then it may not do what you expect.... it may actually put people off replying as people may see it as a bit forceful and demanding, rather than your intention of making it more noticeable to people on the forum.

again this is totally my opinion and people may not actually agree with me :)

10-03-18, 13:11
I'm not anti meds but I'm not pro meds either. I believe in holistic approaches as these meds aren't a cure and never have been so they are merely a tool in the toolbox.

I really good site for supplements is examinesupplements as they include info about studies and how useful they are.

10-05-18, 15:46
im very much anti medical industry lol. I read pages like Primal Blueprint, or Darko Velcek. There are all sorts of people (former doctors and scientists too) who write blogs, like Dr Velcek. Personally I think the human body was made to heal and regenerate itself, but we treat it like crap and so it never does.