View Full Version : Cutting down Citalopram

09-03-18, 21:39
Hello All

I have been on Citalopram 20mg now for 6 months doctor told me 2 weeks ago I can start cutting down. I have been tapering first two weeks one day 20 one day 10 and this week all week 10mg. However this week I have been feeling awful the dizzynsss is back with all the achey muscles along with the horrible pass out feeling cold running through your body.. has anyone else been through this? Is it down to cutting down.


09-03-18, 23:06
Your having withdrawals. You are decreasing too fast . you should at least do it five milligrams at a time ..and stay on that dose for at least four weeks etc.. Good luck

09-03-18, 23:24
I agree - it was done too quick. A lot of doctor's do this not really appreciating it is too quick

09-03-18, 23:58
As someone who recently tapered/stopped - go as freakin slow as you can. As others have said - don't cut more than 5mg at a time and stay on it for at least 3-4 weeks even if you feel good. Once you are ready to drop down from 5mg - I would suggest dropping to 2.5mg and stay there for at least 3-4 weeks [just cut a 10mg in quarters with a pill cutter]. If you feel ok after 3-4 weeks, then stop.

My tapering went as follows after taking 10mg for 5 months:

- Dropped to 5mg and took it for 3 weeks. I felt mostly ok [actually better than I did on 10mg]
- Dropped to 2.5mg and took it for 16 days. I felt a bit worse but still Ok. Looking back I should've kept taking 2.5mg for another week or more.
- Stopped [3 weeks ago]. The only side effect I've had so far is a daily random imbalance issue that I'm hoping will subside in a week or so.

10-03-18, 02:03
Epataxial..why did you stop..just curious?

10-03-18, 22:44
Epataxial..why did you stop..just curious?

Too many nagging side effects of excessive yawning, tiredness, and most notably random chest tightness. I've never really liked taking it or had a good experience with the drug over the course of 5 months.

I saw a therapist at about the end of month 4 and after a few sessions we determined that my anxiety was well under control [and had already been for a few months].