View Full Version : Pelvis area discomfort

09-03-18, 23:33

So it has been well over a month now, possibly two since I managed to injure myself during exercise (?) I saw the doctor who did a brief examination of my stomach for swelling and then tested my mobility wherein she decided that it was likely due to exercise. I do agree that there is something wrong with my left hip flexor due to juddering movement and quite violent popping..

But obviously my mind is wandering..

I just wanted to know if I should perhaps go back for another check up and ask for a more thorough examination of sensitive areas?

As background to current me, my lifestyle is quite sedentary when I am not exercising (which I haven’t since this happened), and I generally spend the majority of my time sat on a chair unsuitable for sitting (no support; anywhere). Furthermore this year (so far) has been incredibly stressful (!) due to multiple deaths in my family and an incredibly depressed partner who I am constantly worried about.

I’m writing this post because whilst many of my symptoms have been interpretable, there is one that is quite persistent. Directly following going to the toilet I sometimes leak and I’m not sure whether this is actually a problem or not?

I just really hate how I am unable to tell whether symptoms are serious, or part of my anxiety. In the past my issues have been centred around my upper body, but since Christmas it has been the opposite.

I haven’t experienced anything else other than discomfort and pain from my lower back and down. It’s particularly bad at the end of the day, and especially so when I am trying to get comfortable in bed. I find it really difficult to be comfortable in any position except on my back.

I know this forum isn’t for medical advice, I am just looking for a measured (hopefully) opinion :shrug:

Thank you!

10-03-18, 11:46
Could this all be caused by pelvic floor tension exasperated by injury and stress?

10-03-18, 18:01
It’s my 21st tomorrow, I don’t want to be worrying about this :unsure:

10-03-18, 19:32
HA can do crazy things!

I’ve been looking at getting some help.

We become so over sensitive to our symptoms that we over analyse everything!

10-03-18, 19:57
I’ve been looking at getting some help.

Perhaps I should restart my therapy again. I was always told that there was a potential for relapse.

16-03-18, 13:35
So, I bled a bit this morning, I think. Its supposedly normal when straining too much etc so.. (Rationalising).

I felt like I had just got to the point where I could accept that the tension etc was stress related and will pass in time, and obviously I know that this may also be another manifestation of that same thing (I.e stress > tension > bad toilet habits) but at the same time there is the immovable "what if?". Not only that, but I am quite behind in my uni work, and had motivated myself to get a lot done today and even go to watch a film tonight, but now none of these will happen.