View Full Version : Random, quick back pains

10-03-18, 00:40
Twice in the last two weeks I've been woken up in the middle of the night by a brief pain in my back lasting just a second. It happened on the right side a week ago, and last night in a completely different spot on the left.

It's not even that bad, maybe a 3 at most on the pain scale. It's hard to put a number on something that is gone so fast. Might even be a 2. I know back pain that wakes you up is supposed to be bad. But what if it is just for a second, and you don't get any more? And then I went on to do a bunch of strenuous stuff for my job this afternoon - we had a music event, and I had speakers to move, cables to lay out and take up again, a tarp to help fold up and put away - and I had no problems at all.

Anybody ever been woken up by a pain that only lasts for a second?

10-03-18, 00:47
Umm yes I would think most of us do

It sounds like normal back pain to me

10-03-18, 04:08
I have the same thing but in my ribs, I'm assuming it's normal like a muscle twitch or something.

10-03-18, 04:16
Thanks, Nicola and Sammy. Sometimes I feel like I don't know what's normal. I've lived alone for so much of my life, I think I just don't know what what other people experience.

10-03-18, 15:57
I get woke up from pain in between shoulder blades, not really pain but a dull ache/tightness. No idea whats causing it.

11-03-18, 00:22
That sounds like a muscle cramp, Jenny. Wonder if it is the position you are sleeping in?

14-03-18, 17:42
I saw my doctor yesterday and he said that this is a known side effect of my blood pressure medication. He says he has other patients who report this as well. This explains why I've since had some similar pains in my legs and wrist.