View Full Version : Having a good doc

10-07-07, 06:26
I would just like to say how important it is for us anxiety sufferers to have a sympathetic doc. I went back to see mine the other day for the first time since my bad six months when I seemed to be there so often. She always listens carefully to my concerns, never lets on if she thinks I'm being stupid, and gives sensible advice, which isn't always medication. She knows I have a problem with taking medication and just accepts this and reassures me that the chances of anything bad happening are so small it's not worth worrying about. She seems to know that when people go to her with their fears, they are genuinely concerned and not just there to waste her time, which is the response I've had from other doctors in the past. I could give her a hug, I'm so glad she's my GP.
So if you don't have a sympathetic doc, have a go at finding one, not always easy, but ask around and see what you can do.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10-07-07, 09:42

Im very glad you have a good Dr

I have seen sooo many Drs ...*sigh*

I recently started seeing a Dr who i feel I can trust , he was very patient with me and explained everthing carefully because he knew I was scared
I am due to get results back from a brain scan soon , this Dr is on holiday though,typical!
I had to make an appointment with another GP and Im a nervous wreck , I have such a bad feeling :(

Anyway , sorry for taking over your thread!lol
Just wanted to agree with you

H x

10-07-07, 12:14
Totally agree!!

Piglet :flowers:

10-07-07, 14:35
Thats really good to hear.

My dr is also great, he is very sympathetic and has similar worries himself so I feel at ease with him. I do still worry everytime I am going to see him incase he thinks im silly but he always checks me over and he knows what im like about medication etc.... so is always very good at reassuring me.

10-07-07, 19:48
This is weird, I thought about posting something similar today!!
I totally agree with you. My doctor is very good, and although at my peak I was in there once a week (!) she was very patient and always greeted me with a smile, when I was dreading seeing her in case she was moody that I went so much. She actually looks concerned when I ask her about things, and reassures me that it's more likely nothing to worry about. One day I just came out with it and said I am paranoid about getting cancer/HIV allsorts and she said that it is no wonder with all the media attention it is getting and she sees people like me all the time. And then she always says at the end of the time "and if you are worried about anything, just come back, there is no point sitting at home and getting worked up". Since she said that I haven't really been in there much at all so she makes me feel better. I think that is the key to us HA sufferers!

10-07-07, 21:02
I have a really really good doctor he has known me since I was about 10 I went to see him about being very anx a few months ago he put me back on tablets which I was so angry about but thought hey he knows his job. I took the tablets and now you can't stop me even been on the motorway today.......driving was a big problem. He is at the end of the phone if I need him and I know he will help me when he can. He knows I am going through a break up too..after 17 years.... I said I am fine he is like "the worst is yet to come, phone me if you need me" Its so nice to know he is there for me.

I went to the nopanic conference he now has all of my notes and has put the leaflets Nic gave me in the surgery, I think we need to educate the doctors sometimes they don't have much training in this area I don't think so I am trying to help.