View Full Version : Burger Flipping Robot To Slow

10-03-18, 10:48
Is taken 'off' line in a Pasadena restaurant in California the robot named Flippy was replacing human workers but was too slow to keep up with demand Ha ha I like hearing stories like this as we are being overwhelmed by technology that one puts people out of work and secondly is frankly pointless Sure it's not ideal and would never I work in a greasy fast food place, but the way things are going we are being taken over by this technology and tbh it's scary. What do others think? ATB

10-03-18, 13:17
Poor Flippy, how's he meant to support his family of coffee machines now? :biggrin:

I guess it's going to come some day, as it has in manufacturing, but it is worrying about jobs. Unless we create new opportunities to give people jobs it makes you wary of very high unemployment rates and how badly that will affect society, let alone individuals with all the knock ons of feeling hopeless.

Imagine when they build machines to service the machines! Next step world domination!

Driverless transport worries me a bit. Giving a whole new meaning to a computer crashing.

10-03-18, 14:41
In some cases it's good but driverless cars, trains etc it's too scary and will impact on employment big time. It's like high end cars are now being stolen in seconds from peoples homes, because of technology if a car totally relies on electronics to keep it safe from being stolen then no wonder it's happening you have to have mechanical systems in place too to prevent this from happening. Like wise the internet is 25 - 30 years old hasn't been upgraded security wise, the level of SSL is only 128 I think it maybe 256 but it needs a serious overhaul Hacking is at a all time high that's one of reasons why I wont bank online I don't trust the technology behind it one bit :eek: and with kitchen appliances and kids toys being connected to the internet the risk is huge Nah I am happy with what bit of tech stuff I have thanks. ATB

10-03-18, 14:47
Is taken 'off' line in a Pasadena restaurant in California the robot named Flippy was replacing human workers but was too slow to keep up with demand Ha ha I like hearing stories like this as we are being overwhelmed by technology that one puts people out of work and secondly is frankly pointless Sure it's not ideal and would never I work in a greasy fast food place, but the way things are going we are being taken over by this technology and tbh it's scary. What do others think? ATB

What a flippin' load of old crappage! Off with his block head :lac:

10-03-18, 15:01
What a flippin' load of old crappage! Off with his block head :lac: Iam with you on that KK :yesyes: Or take it's power source (no pun intended as in sauce) away, mind you it would probably still carry on as though nothing has happened :eek: Thx for making me laugh KK:shades: ATB

10-03-18, 15:23
I use online services but I use credit cards for everything so I'm backed by laws that protect me against liability. And I keep my personal details as closely to what is already in the public domain.

They will just have to adapt somehow just as the car industry did but it's getting so advanced that we will end up becoming moot in many jobs.

Still should they bring out one of those fork lifts Ripley killed the mother alien with in Aliens, I'm signing up for warehouse work! :biggrin:

10-03-18, 17:58
Still should they bring out one of those fork lifts Ripley killed the mother alien with in Aliens, I'm signing up for warehouse work! :biggrin:

I just wan't one of those for crowded places!

That's just great, what the f#ck we gonna do now? Game over man, game over!

Driverless cars will never ever happen.

Catherine S
10-03-18, 20:08
I'm just glad I'm retired now tbh...the world of work has become a scary place. I feel it for my family who still have the pressure of keeping their jobs :scared15:


11-03-18, 02:09
I just wan't one of those for crowded places!

That's just great, what the f#ck we gonna do now? Game over man, game over!

Driverless cars will never ever happen.

Or an ED-209? :yesyes:

How about driverless taxis like Total Recall? "Hi, I'm a Johnny Cab". Not sure that name would work in the UK though...:roflmao:

11-03-18, 02:35
Or an ED-209? :yesyes:

How about driverless taxis like Total Recall? "Hi, I'm a Johnny Cab". Not sure that name would work in the UK though...:roflmao:
I would love an ED-209 at my front and back door!:ohmy:

Two weeks, two weeks, two weeks!!!!

11-03-18, 05:01
I would love an ED-209 at my front and back door!:ohmy:

Two weeks, two weeks, two weeks!!!!

Well whatever you do, don't buy one of these...

https://i.imgflip.com/1hfthg.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/1hfthg)

..."howdy-doodly-doo" :roflmao:

Kryten was handy though...



11-03-18, 12:23
I just wan't one of those for crowded places!

That's just great, what the f#ck we gonna do now? Game over man, game over!

Driverless cars will never ever happen. Hi Matt don't kid your self these cars are on their way sadly they are even testing HGV's (driverless ones) it will happen sooner than later sadly. ATB

12-03-18, 15:44
I'm a software developer. I'm dabbling with VR development at the moment. The future scares me!

I'm very much into my tech, and I'm a geek at heart. But, l do not use a smart phone. I have a few smart phones for testing mobile apps that I develop but that's all they're used for. My personal phone is a Nokia 8310.

People think I'm mad. But, I care about my privacy a lot and I know full well we're being tracked. That's not me being paranoid. And nobody is tracking you personally, but all those GPS coordinates that your phone is collecting go to Apple/Google or to the owner of whatever app you're using.

Take Alexa for example ... you'd be a fool to think Amazon isn't collecting your data and storing it on a server. For those that didn't know Amazon control the web server market. They provide servers for all of the largest companies/websites/phone apps in the world. Google "Amazon AWS". So they definitely have the capacity and resources to do that.

It's a double edged sword though. On one the data can be used to help improve their products and create new products. Some would be fine with that. On the other hand they could abuse, or sell, that data. And they often do. Without your permission or knowledge. And that's what pisses me off. These days with phone apps you hand over all sorts of permissions when you accept the terms and conditions before installing. These permissions allow the application to get access to various bits of data (sometimes sensitive). There's a torch app on the app store that wants all the permissions under the sun. Why does a torch app need access to your phone book? Or photos? Most people don't care about that, they just press accept blindly. So now you're handing over personal information to sources you don't even know or trust.

Remember when it was found Smart TV's were recording you? A lot of people called it a conspiracy until it was proven fact. Unless you know how to sniff and analyse packets on a network (and for those that know sometimes these packets use different protocols and encryption) you would never find out they're doing it.

I feel like as a species we're going backwards to a point where we stop learning and instead rely on technology to solve problems for us. When resources start to run out (at some point they will) we're back to the stone age because all that data and information stored in the cloud will exist no more. And, since we all stopped learning a long time ago nobody will know how to do basic things.

At least with paper you are guaranteed to have that data for a long time, and if need be that data could be copied and preserved. You can't do that when the world is rationing resources and technology.

13-03-18, 12:11
Your data is a now a very high value commodity. Big Brother wants to know everything about you, with governments & intelligence agencies having direct access to these databases. Soon, this will a mean micro chip in your hand and a driverless car. Intel processors have a direct backdoor into your computer even when it's turned off meanwhile Windows 10 is spyware masquerading as a Operating System.

23-03-18, 12:50
Your data is a now a very high value commodity. Big Brother wants to know everything about you, with governments & intelligence agencies having direct access to these databases. Soon, this will a mean micro chip in your hand and a driverless car. Intel processors have a direct backdoor into your computer even when it's turned off meanwhile Windows 10 is spyware masquerading as a Operating System.

So do Google & Facebook...so they can sell it or profile you :winks:

---------- Post added at 12:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Saw a report the other day about a death by a driverless car. Ploughed threw her, she didn't stand a chance.

People may argue that these low numbers are better than death rates by human hands but if it's a programming issue I think it has to be ironed out before leaving testing.

Christ, imagine Microsoft releasing Windows Car 1.0 on us then the first year it's endless patches to iron out all the bugs reported by users that testing never picked up? :ohmy:

More government regulation is needed too. But this is a massive business and I do worry when it comes to the lure of cash to probably one of the most unscrupulous professions...politics. :huh:

23-03-18, 15:24
So do Google & Facebook...so they can sell it or profile you :winks:

---------- Post added at 12:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Saw a report the other day about a death by a driverless car. Ploughed threw her, she didn't stand a chance.

People may argue that these low numbers are better than death rates by human hands but if it's a programming issue I think it has to be ironed out before leaving testing.

Christ, imagine Microsoft releasing Windows Car 1.0 on us then the first year it's endless patches to iron out all the bugs reported by users that testing never picked up? :ohmy:

More government regulation is needed too. But this is a massive business and I do worry when it comes to the lure of cash to probably one of the most unscrupulous professions...politics. :huh: Yes saw that too Terry so Iam not keen one bit having driverless car(s) on our roads :eek: Even if there is a manual over ride, what's going to happen if the people in side the car are totally drunk or high on drugs they don't stand a chance. Yes I can imagine Microsoft doing this it's happened on AMD Chipsets recently Beta testing is paramount and especially on driverless cars etc and all we get off these big software companies our software is safe and secure it's a lie.

It's like I was watching on Ideal world yesterday. Everest Windows and doors in partnership with Yale the well known lock manufactures they have introduced smart lock which can be used with a key card and fobs and even your mobile phone can be made to unlock your smart lock. this will be abused big time we all know mobile phones like anything else can be hacked in to so it will be very easy to get a smart key from some ones phone and you can get access to their property this is scary stuff. so I will stick to a mechanical key and lock feel safer a lot safer :) ATB

29-03-18, 02:29
I really don't like these smart locks that are coming out, Dave. Like the Amazon one where a delivery driver gets access to the property.

I thought the same about the cars with remote unlocking though. Only a matter of time before an opportunist thief jumps in.

Just saw an article from The Guardian pop up on my newsfeed about securing yourself from these weaknesses. It mentioned a smart toaster that tells your iPhone when you're toast is ready :doh::rolfmao: Sounds like something Del Boy would be flogging out of a suitcase.

29-03-18, 16:15
I really don't like these smart locks that are coming out, Dave. Like the Amazon one where a delivery driver gets access to the property.

I thought the same about the cars with remote unlocking though. Only a matter of time before an opportunist thief jumps in.

Just saw an article from The Guardian pop up on my newsfeed about securing yourself from these weaknesses. It mentioned a smart toaster that tells your iPhone when you're toast is ready :doh::rolfmao: Sounds like something Del Boy would be flogging out of a suitcase. Even those mechanical little boxes that I see outside some peoples houses that has a spare key aren't safe, what I do is have a spare key cut and leave it with a trusted neighbour its unsafe to do it any other way imho. Yes seem seen the Amazon one too its very scary and nothing will convince me other wise doesn't matter if the employees have been vetted by the police there's still a huge risk in my book so will pass on this one as do I also pass on that stupid toaster too. no thanks:yesyes: ATB