View Full Version : Really bad time at the moment. Sinus and eye pain

10-03-18, 16:00
Hi Everyone

I am currently having a really bad HA flair up!

Basically for last two weeks I’ve had awful headache above my left eye. Since then my left temple has become so tender and I constantly have a pressure sensation around the area and over the bridge of my nose and behind my eye!

My nose is not blocked at all.

It has almost felt like the left eye is not seeing as well as the right eye. I have seen my optom and all is fine.

I am trying to ignore it and put it down to HA.

Then today, I’m came across an article of a poor young lad who had similar symptoms to mine which was misdiagnosed as hay fever and ended up being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. That poor boy and his family! I desperately hope he is ok.

This has made my HA spike massively and I have of course convinces myself I have the same thing! Isn’t this just the way HA works!

I’m going to see my GP tomorrow and ask to be referrrd for a scan.

When this comes back fine, I am going to try and use this as a lesson that HA causes so many problems and I am going to ask to be referred to someone for help with my HA. It is really spoiling my life at the moment.

Any one offer me any comfort this afternoon?

Many thanks

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

I have been half considering doing a health anxiety re Han retreat.

Anyone heard of this?

www .thelindenmethod.co.uk/health-anxiety

14-03-18, 11:09
Saw GP who thought beck may be cause of issue.
Now I’ve got a really bad cold though and sinuses very sore. Anyone had anything similar?
Still really affecting my left eye. Almost like it wants to close. But it doesn’t look any more closed than normal if that makes sense

14-03-18, 13:06
I always recommend a sinus rinse like neilmed. Only use distilled water and follow the kit instructions as it comes with a saline mix. It may help.