View Full Version : Help!! Majorly anxious this morning!!!!!

10-07-07, 09:10
I just can't handle it this morning. I'm sure I've had at least 2 panic attacks now and am really struggling to hold it together. I made it into work but just can't sit still. Keep wanting to pace about...

My parents are away on holiday at the moment and normally the first people I turn to so am totally lost:weep: :weep:

How can I make it go away!!!!!!

10-07-07, 09:38

How are you doing now?

Is your job physical or is it office based?

Are you able to go for a walk/take some time out?

H x

10-07-07, 09:50
hi moose babes, you are not alone just remember the worst thing that can happen is what is happening you are having a panic attack. you will not die, or lose control, you will not go mad and it will pass babes. deep breath drop ya shoulders and your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. and imagine you are in the last place you ever felt totally happy and calm. you can keep it together hun it just feels as tho you wont but you will. speak in chat babes x

10-07-07, 11:00
Thanks for your kind words :hugs:

Looks like I missed you in chat as I've been having a long talk with my boss about it. Luckily for me his wife used to suffer from PAs, so he does understand. I feel a bit calmer now, sort of exhausted and disconnected from everything.

I'm on chat now to talk :flowers: