View Full Version : Coming out of the shadows and anxiety story

11-03-18, 03:44
Hello all,
I lurked here for awhile before joining. I am from the United States and I am a housewife and a wiccan. I love to read and play world of warcraft and have two cats and a dog.

about seven years ago in Oct I was laying in bed with my husband and I suddenly woke up from a sound sleep, heart pounding, sweating, shaking, fear not sure what was going on, chest pains, I felt like I was having a heart attack, I stayed up all night and then the next night I was having anxiety about going to bed, and I just didn't feel like doing anything, I stayed in bed and cried for long periods of time, I kept feeling like I just wanted to walk into the ocean and just keep going not caring if I died, I also never wanted to go out, was panic if I had to leave the house, would get anxious if we did go out, I used to be able to go shopping on my own, to the library, didn't have panic attacks and such, after months of this my husband took me to see someone after months of this, and lo and behold, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, Panic Attacks, OCD, anxiety, social anxiety, and agoraphobia. I know worry about every little thing, especially with my health, I used to not do that, but I think its part of what I have. I am sorry for the long post, and I am glad I found this forum and know there are people out there that have these same issues.

11-03-18, 04:07
Hiya Pkstracy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-03-18, 13:18
Good Morning Pkstracy

That's all any of us can do, one day at a time. Sorry this had to happen to you, but i'm glad to see your husband is helping you out. Not sure of the course of treatment you are taking rather it's medication, therapy, of both. Here at NMP there is good information on various treatments.

I personally take Prozac, and Buspir. I also use group therapy and this forum to treat my panic and anxiety. I've dealt with mine for 20 years, while my panic is much less frequent, I've learned to face it and ride the wave through it. A book I recommend is, How to Stop Anxiety and Panic. https://www.amazon.com/How-Stop-Anxiety-Panic-Attacks-ebook/dp/B00622ENX0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1520774087&sr=8-3&keywords=how+to+stop+anxiety+%26+panic+attacks

It's an easy book to understand, the author Geert Verschaeve is also a long time sufferer. It really helped me it the beginning of my journey. Best to you on your journey Pkstracy.

11-03-18, 16:15
hi FDUOP, I am seeing a therapist and a psych, I was on meds such as trazadone to help me sleep, zoloft, lamictil and vistrail, however, I did not like the way the meds made me feel and I was worried about what they can and will do to my body down the road so I stopped taking them. I use a weighted blanket when my anxiety gets really bad, and I meditate and do yoga, I would love to go for walks and go swimming again but my dang agoraphobia prevents me from leaving the house weeks at a time. Thanks for the suggestion on the book I will look into it. Hi Venus thank you for the welcome and yes I'll check out the other threads as well.

12-03-18, 12:49
Your Welcome. :)