View Full Version : Waking in the night feeling anxious and sick

11-03-18, 07:01
Hi Guys

I’m struggling at the minute with night time anxiety I wake a couple of tunes a night feeling sick and scared there is something wrong with me health wise 😔

It doesn’t happen every night but most nights it started after I had a really bad IBS flare up about a month ago I get a dull ache on my left side I have always put this down to my ibs but now I’m not sure 😔

I work every Sunday and Monday evening my symptoms are worse over them 2 days I always worry I have done something wrong on my last shift and I’m in trouble when I get there which I know isn’t going to happen 😔

On Wednesday last week I had to have my dog put to sleep 😢 she was old and poorly I had had her since she was a pup and I do feel devastated I did get these feelings before I lost the dog but they seem a bit worse

Anyone ever had this? Feeling pretty rubbish about it

Meg&mog xx

11-03-18, 08:56
Hello. Yes, I used to not sleep at all on Sunday nights or at best I'd get a couple of hours. I'd wake anxious and feeling sick from getting so stressed about work and my IBS would act up. So Monday mornings I'd be feeling exhausted, really anxious and a also bit sick from lack of food left in my stomach. It's horrible isn't it. I also used to get a lot of anxiety dreams about work where my boss was shouting at me, etc.

I'm so sorry about your dog. That is a huge thing to go through and if it was me I'd be expecting all my anxiety symptoms to be through the roof unfortunately. Be kind to yourself and have lots of wee rests and treats and cups of tea or anything that gives you a few minutes to yourself. I bet you gave your dog an absolutely lovely life with loads of love and that is such a good thing to remind yourself. x