View Full Version : I'm spiraling and I'm scared!

11-03-18, 19:29
My mood picked up a few weeks ago and I was actually happy (for the first time in years) cause I got a new job. I think I was on a bit of a high about it cause I seem to have crashed again and come down to reality. The job doesn't start for another 2 weeks. My HA has been as bad as ever the last few days and I can't concentrate on anything, feel like I'm living in a bubble and the world is just floating around me. And that frightens me cause I don't know how I'm going to concentrate on my new job and learn how to do it. What if I can't? What if my anxiety stops me from getting on there?
I was having a wobble about breast cancer a few days ago because of breast pain. The pain has eased i think but I'm also getting this cold sensation down my left arm. My left hand is cold a lot of the time and sometimes I feel a small bit of pain around my elbow or up further in my arm. This has been happening to me on and off for over a year. It might last for a week or so and then it could be gone for weeks. I'm worrying if it's linked to breast cancer or something else. And this worry is draining me.
Has anyone had anything like this? One cold arm!
And how do I deal with my anxiety in the new job? I'm hoping in the long run it will distract me from my symptoms but I'm also scared anxiety will win this battle. I haven't worked in years so this will be my first time working with HA.

12-03-18, 09:38
Has anyone any thoughts on the cold arm thing? I'm due to go to the doctor in a while and not sure if I'm over reacting by going.
The breast pain has eased (not entirely gone) but the cold arm is spiraling in my head. Am I mad to be concerned about this? Would appreciate any advice.

12-03-18, 09:54
Hey BrokenGirl,

It sounds like you have some anxiety over your new job and it's overflowing into HA. I don't think the cold arm is a symptom of anything. It sounds like anxiety to me.

Everyone gets nervous before starting a new job. It's perfectly normal. It does sound like you're over thinking the anxiety about your new job. I bet once you get there you'll feel comfortable very quickly.

Congratulations on the new job!

12-03-18, 10:01
Thanks for responding. I hope I am over reacting over this, but even as I'm typing this my arm is cold. And I've just noticed a sore point in my left shoulder, as if I banged it but I definitely didn't. And I think I remember reading a long time ago some connection between sore shoulder and breast cancer. Or it could be down to bad posture. I have awful posture and i don't think my shoulders are aligned correctly, I've always noticed that.
I really hope the doctor doesn't get mad at me for going in to her, but at the same time I hope she doesn't tell me something I don't want to hear.
Stupid HA :weep:

12-03-18, 10:10
breast pain isnt a sign of cancer. if your posture is bad, you are going to hurt in your shoulders, arms, and back. i have chronic back and neck pain which creates arm pain