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View Full Version : Anxiety about HIV/AIDS

11-03-18, 22:06
Hi all,

I am 32 years old and from India. Before I explain why I am worried, I have to admit that I am generally a person who worries too much about little things, and could even be accused of being a slight hypochondriac. Now on to the point.

I have been visiting prostitutes (high end ones) on and off for a while, but I have never had unprotected sex ever with any of them.

I am a little overweight but reasonably healthy in most other ways. I didn't know much about HIV, but I recently started reading about it, and now I am anxious and worried about having HIV.

The primary cause for worry is that I read that when you have HIV you get red rashes on your body. I have had red spots on my chest for 7-8 years now. I never had them looked at as they rarely itched and what is more they are more or less invisible unless I am in bright lights, and how often does that happen. So I basically used to forget about them.

This happened for a while and then because they never caused me any issues, whenever I spotted them again after a few months or so, I would be like yeah they are nothing. I have never had any issues on account of those red spots.

However after reading about those red spots I was worried what if they are HIV spots. The first I noticed these spots was 7 - 8 years ago, which was after the first time that I had gone to a prostitute, but didn't have unprotected sex.

The thing is after I visited the prostitute, I didn't fall sick or have fever or anything of that sort, like they say happens when you get HIV.

However those dots were there. They could have been there since before as well, but I notice them first after I had seen a prostitute. Also they look nothing like the HIV rashes on the internet.

Not even remotely close. However having read of it the hypochondria has started to act up.

After that I have seen prostitutes many times over the years, but never had unprotected sex with any of them. Most of them didn't even have sex with but had a handjob or whatever. I have been quite healthy for the 7-8 years since. I have had fever just thrice (maybe 4 times) in that period, only once in these 7-8 years since I saw those red spots for the 1st time, have I had an upset stomach and vomiting and even that got cured in a day.

I am fit apart from that. I go long periods without getting cold, or falling sick in any way. If I had HIV for 7-8 years surely I would fall sick more often, at least that is what I tell myself when I worry.

However ever since I read of the red spots on HIV I am worried about it. I can't bring myself to get tested. Based on what you have read of what I have described, what do you think?

11-03-18, 22:25

It's highly unlikely you have HIV as you haven't had unprotected sex with these prostitutes, however you need to get an STD (sexually transmitted diseases) check. You should have one of these yearly when you're not in a monogamous relationship.

If I was you I'd also get an AID's test to put your mind at rest.

11-03-18, 22:34

It's highly unlikely you have HIV as you haven't had unprotected sex with these prostitutes, however you need to get an STD (sexually transmitted diseases) check. You should have one of these yearly when you're not in a monogamous relationship.

If I was you I'd also get an AID's test to put your mind at rest.

OR... visit Palmela Handerson if you really want to play it safe. She's doesn't charge either! :whistles:

Positive thoughts and a visit to a porn site :shades:

12-03-18, 01:25
If you have not had unprotected sex then you have nothing to worry about. The red rash you are thinking of is ARS and that is what happened shortly after infection. If you had these spots 7 years then it is safe to say that is not HIV. Go to a walk in clinic and get a rapid hiv test and you will see that we are right and that you do. It have HiV.

Wisemonkey is right in regards to you needing a test to put your
I don’t at ease, not because we think there is any chance that you are infected.

15-03-18, 19:07
I was with a prostitute sometime last week and she took my dick and started rubbing it on her clit and vagina opening. I got vagina fluid on the penis head.

However it was just for a few seconds, 5-10 secs at the most. Also there wasn't even much rubbing, more like caressing.

I didn't think much of it at the time, it was basically hardly anything. I have since become worried that what if I contracted HIV from that.

I did subsequently ask the prostitute and she assured me she was clean and that I had nothing to worry about.

However even assuming she was HIV infected, how likely is such contact to infect.

15-03-18, 19:10
Not that it will reassure you but practically 0%.

Positive thoughts

15-03-18, 20:15
No chance. You need penetration for transmission of HIV and even then it is not transmitted easily via heterosexual intercourse. You are fine!

15-03-18, 20:37
Why don't you use protection? Then you won't worry about HIV etc. Or maybe you still will?

15-03-18, 22:25
Its not like I wanted to have unprotected sex with a hooker. She just grabbed the dick and started rubbing it on her vagina/clit.

Also guys the answers you have given so far are exactly what I want to hear. However I must point out that the head of the dick (circumcised) was being rubbed on her vagina opening and clit and there was vaginal fluid on the head, and could potentially have been on the dick opening as well.

It was for 5-10 secs only and very gentle rubbing. She did tell me though that I don't need to worry about transmission, but I doubt she had medical tests done.

Are you sure about the earlier responses?

15-03-18, 22:36
Are you sure about the earlier responses?

As I said earlier, reassurance will most likely not work :shrug: If you're that concerned, get tested. We'll have the "Told ya so gang" on standby.

Positive thoughts

15-03-18, 22:57
Its not like I wanted to have unprotected sex with a hooker. She just grabbed the dick and started rubbing it on her vagina/clit.

Also guys the answers you have given so far are exactly what I want to hear. However I must point out that the head of the dick (circumcised) was being rubbed on her vagina opening and clit and there was vaginal fluid on the head, and could potentially have been on the dick opening as well.

It was for 5-10 secs only and very gentle rubbing. She did tell me though that I don't need to worry about transmission, but I doubt she had medical tests done.

Are you sure about the earlier responses?

You don't have HIV from this exposure as the virus itself is very fragile outside of the body, and it needs perfect circumstances to transmit to you from intercourse. If she had it, it would depend on her viral load at the time, and that would only be a concern if you had penetrative sex, which you did not.

FishmanPpa is right, you will need to be tested to calm yourself because even though we tell you that you had no chance of contracting HIV, your anxiety will only believe a negative test result.

How long ago was your last exposure?

16-03-18, 01:43
First Get checked, not for HIV but STD then stop sleeping with women for money "hookers" are btw a very disrespectful term. Gain more respect for females and dont pay them to be your personal mastrubation skin-puppet next time use your hand or find one you dont have to pay.

16-03-18, 01:56
next time use your hand

You're referring to Palmela Handerson :winks:

Positive thoughts

16-03-18, 03:24
You're referring to Palmela Handerson :winks:

Positive thoughts

I agree, definitely get an STD test and also an HIV test to put your mind at rest.

I would presume that most sex workers (working out of a reputable institution) would insist that their clients wear a condom before any contact, so this is an odd thing for her to have done!

To quote Jeremy Vile ... "put something on the end of it" :doh:

16-03-18, 04:54
Been a while since we've had a graphic prostitution thread.

How about trying a forum that's actually for STI's?

---------- Post added at 04:54 ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 ----------

To quote Jeremy Vile ... "put something on the end of it" :doh:

Something we all wish his dad had done that night...:whistles:

16-03-18, 05:53
Been a while since we've had a graphic prostitution thread.

How about trying a forum that's actually for STI's?

---------- Post added at 04:54 ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 ----------

Something we all wish his dad had done that night...:whistles:

LOL for sure :D but did feel a wee bit sorry for him since his second wife left him for a younger man but then it didn't take him long to get with the nanny!!

After I did my last post I realised the OP lives in India, so my post about reputable institutions for sex workers may not be plausable. I see that he also started another thread about the same topic, so was wondering if it may be a piss-take :huh:

16-03-18, 06:37
LOL for sure :D but did feel a wee bit sorry for him since his second wife left him for a younger man but then it didn't take him long to get with the nanny!!

After I did my last post I realised the OP lives in India, so my post about reputable institutions for sex workers may not be plausable. I see that he also started another thread about the same topic, so was wondering if it may be a piss-take :huh:

Admin have intervened before on threads like this :winks: I understand from members who've been here longer that they have seen them before.

Shh... don't say you have any feelings for Jezza other than revulsion, a lot of people had a damn good laugh at him after how he behaves. You'll never get into the UK, it's part of immigration policy :biggrin:

I always feel sorry for his brother because no matter what addiction you come on with it seems his brother has been through it. I wonder if in real life his brother has led a completely normal life and tells him off for it at family meals.

16-03-18, 07:06
Hey guys, this is not a troll thread and the two questions that I had posed were different. The first thread was about something that happened 7-8 years ago, and this is about sometihng that happened not less than a week ago.

Also I didn't want to be offensive to anyone. I didnt know hookers was a less than proper term.

Also lastly since someone asked about high end providers, the ones I go to are definitely on the higher end prostitutes in India. Also the one that I went to had come into this profession just a week or so back.

She was well educated spoke fluent English and has a job with an airline company in India.

16-03-18, 07:15
Also the one that I went to had come into this profession just a week or so back.

Well her lack of experience shows as she's exposing herself (and potential clients to any number of STD's !!

You've obviously been around the sex worker block for many years so these are the risks you take! :lac:

16-03-18, 08:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


17-03-18, 00:43
If you are so concerned about getting hiv, then stop seeing prostitutes

17-03-18, 00:55
Shh... don't say you have any feelings for Jezza other than revulsion, a lot of people had a damn good laugh at him after how he behaves. You'll never get into the UK, it's part of immigration policy :biggrin:

OMG, I must be mindful of this next time I visit UK :winks: His show is on TV here in NZ, but when I was in UK in 2014, I heard him referred to as Jeremy Vile and it kinda stuck :roflmao:

23-03-18, 22:18
I haven't read all this thread, but i can say from my own experience, GET A TEST!!!

And I can say (NOT FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) .... prostitutes... generally are clean. But remember, they mostly do it because they have nothing else, they dont want too, they are forced into it from their 'managers' shall we say, trafficked etc....

So if you STOP with the prostitutes, you save a little money, no STD's to worry about (double bonus)..... and remember, as much as you seem to like them, they are REPULSED by you...they just want the cash and they pass it onto their 'manager'.

Meet a girl the normal way...

And by the way, by the sounds of it, you used condoms everytime so your risk is virtually 0, so take the test and live a normal life....

23-03-18, 23:13
And I can say (NOT FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) .... prostitutes... generally are clean. But remember, they mostly do it because they have nothing else, they dont want too, they are forced into it from their 'managers' shall we say, trafficked etc...

Spot on Peter :hugs:

My son-in-laws sister and her husband are pastors in India (where this OP lives) and they scrape these poor women off the streets in Kolkata and give them paid employment in their leather goods workshop (The Loyal Workshop). They also look after them and their children until they can support themselves. What a wonderful vocation they have xx

Please take a look at their website

The OP says he only goes to high end sex-workers, but that doesn't make him any better and just perpetuates the cycle of sex slavery these women experience. In Bowbazar (Kolkata) alone, there are an estimated 1500-2000 women still trapped in the sex trade!

24-03-18, 02:10
Spot on Peter :hugs:

My son-in-laws sister and her husband are pastors in India (where this OP lives) and they scrape these poor women off the streets in Kolkata and give them paid employment in their leather goods workshop (The Loyal Workshop). They also look after them and their children until they can support themselves. What a wonderful vocation they have xx

Please take a look at their website

The OP says he only goes to high end sex-workers, but that doesn't make him any better and just perpetuates the cycle of sex slavery these women experience. In Bowbazar (Kolkata) alone, there are an estimated 1500-2000 women still trapped in the sex trade!

But what would our MP's do then if they had no prostitutes to visit or dungeons to get whipped in? :winks:

Great work by your friends/in-laws. :yesyes:

My last large corporate job involved offices in India. I didn't travel there myself but several colleagues did. The atmosphere was one of oppression, staff afraid to raise an issue to better the business as they just got sacked. One of the UK's big companies but German owned and later they made 600 UK employees redundant at one office to ship the rest of their work over there...:whistles: