View Full Version : Have I just had my first panic attack?

11-03-18, 22:54
Usually my symptoms are purely palpitations (missed and extra beats) and feeling generally uneasy.

However tonight, things seemed to step up to a new level. I was sitting in the theatre, i haven't been feeling great all day, palpitations etc, suddenly when the lights went down and the show started, I seemed to have this huge surge through my chest into my neck and head, I could barely catch a breath, I started to sweat, and my palpitations went into scary overdrive, I was in the front row of a packed theatre in the dark so I didn't have much choice but to ride it out, symptoms eventually subsided and now 3 hours later I'm just feeling a bit sick and my heart is fluttering :/

11-03-18, 22:58
Yes that's a panic attack. Rest up and try and chill!

13-03-18, 21:35
Oh man I remember mine, was out having pizza with my husband, I was feeling fine,went to bed, woke up out of a sound sleep, hear pounding, sweating, couldn't breathe, chest hurting felt like I was having a heart attack, woke up hubby, who knew what was going on, got me calmed down, I am sorry you had to go through one they aren't fun and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy, get lots of rest.

16-03-18, 01:23
I would say, yes, you had a panic attack. I recently upped my dose from 20mg to 30mg and one of the side effects is increased anxiety the first couple weeks.

The Saturday of the first week, I felt dreadful, super anxious and couldn't sleep. I got especially antsy because my heart kept beating pretty high (for me - 105-110 beats) and I felt like they were skipping.

Ended up getting so freaked out I asked my Dad to take me to Urgent Care to make sure my meds weren't messing around with me. Everything came back normal - just a super sucky panic attack! :dry:

Anyways - skipped beats/palpitations can happen with anxiety/panic attacks.
They really suck though because they freak me out too!