View Full Version : Hit my head earlier, now scared to sleep

12-03-18, 00:14
I hit the side of my forehead fairly hard about 12 hours ago. I was moving things from one room to another and didn’t realise the door had swung behind me and smacked into it as I turned around. Initially other than the pain I felt okay and was able to continue moving something else before walking downstairs to talk to my mum about it.

I felt fine until I started panicking about it as I was telling her. My vision wasn’t blurry and didn’t have any spots or anything but it just felt a bit like I couldn’t focus on one thing. I was feeling like I couldn’t concentrate on anything and a bit tired. I went to look up symptoms of concussion and after reading dizziness and nausea I began feeling very slightly dizzy and nauseous. But all of these symptoms came on after I started panicking. Is it possible these were just anxiety symptoms and not due to the knock? After calming myself down I was able to get some programming done and watch TV, during which I didn’t feel dizzy, tired, unfocused or nauseous at all.

I did get a very small bump on my head, only noticeable by touching it. It has since gone down almost completely now and it’s just tender to the touch. I currently feel fine, other than tenderness where I hit my head and a slight headache when I think about it. The thing is, I’m scared to go to sleep because of it. It just worries me that I got dizzy and unfocused, even though I keep telling myself that it was probably due to the anxiety, my mind won’t listen. And of course the fact that the knock was hard enough to cause a bump scares me too.

If this happened to you, would you attempt to go to sleep? Does it sound like I’m right in thinking those symptoms were just caused by my panicking about it? Any help would be much appreciated as I would very much like to sleep but I don’t know if I can without reassurance.

12-03-18, 01:21
You're fine. You bumped your head is all. It happens to all of us. Remember, our skulls are made to withstand minor bumps. Where do you think the phrase "thick headed" originated from? :)

Positive thoughts