View Full Version : Throat pain please read

12-03-18, 14:17
For the past year, I've had a strange soreness and aching in a very localized spot deep in the front of my neck next to my throat. Doctors cannot see or feel any lump. I can't feel a lump, either. There isn't any swelling.*

It's as if I would have to press my finger very, very deeply into my neck in order to locate it. It doesn't feel like a large area that is sore; it feels like the soreness and aching is limited to a very small place. It gets so sore that it hurts when I swallow, or when I turn my head, or when I bend my neck.*

It's not IN my throat. It doesn't feel like a lump in my throat. My throat doesn't seem to be related to it. I try to explain that to the doctors, and they can't see anything abnormal when they look in my throat with a camera. Also, nothing showed up on an xray or when dye was injected into my vein.*

I wouldn't worry if it didn't happen all of the time. Not only does it get extremely sore at times, but sometimes it aches. Yesterday it ached all day long, always in one localized spot deep in the neck next to my throat.*

Also, whenever it gets sore, there's a strange feeling when I swallow, as if a tendon or ligament moves over something there, so that it makes a "popping" or "clicking" feeling.*

I've tried relentlessly to diagnose the problem myself. I've searched so many websites trying to find photos of the internal structure of the front of a neck. I've looked on sites about lymph nodes, thryoid, ligaments, salivary glands, etc. I can't find anything that helps me understand this.*

If anyone has had this please reply. Also my job is a forklift driver which means my left arm is elevated all 12 hours a day which I know for a fact agravates this problem. This all started last year two weeks after the crossfit open 17.1 and during one of my training days I hit my throat while doing squat cleans but I have no idea if it's related.

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07-09-18, 13:54
Hi I know you posted this a while ago, did you find what was the matter? I to feel this in my neck/throat on the right side it’s been 3 months now and it’s really messing with my anxiety! I’ve been doing really well for about a year and now this problem starts it’s all flooding back again! It’s like a real deep located pain when bending my head back slghtly to the side and then breathing in deep while head is back it really hurts! I have no clue what it is I’ve spoke to my doctor today she looked confused but have ordered bloods for thyroid and an ultrasound! I’m hoping nothing sinister is going on and hopefully it’s muscular!