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10-07-07, 13:43

sorry know i have only just signed up and already begging for advice but need it.

i really seem to be prone to panic attacks in public that i cant get away from such as work. today for about 2 hours i have been on and off panicing because of people's opinions of me at work. I was recently off sick, partly for tummy issues, partly panic and they all think i am a skiver

is there any techniques you guys use if this happens to you that arent really obvious to people all around you or that can be done when sneaking off to the bathroom or something?


10-07-07, 13:53
oh and in addition having major tingles all over though mostly in my legs like pins and needles, is this normal? do you guys get thsi too?

10-07-07, 14:29
I always like to have a bottle of water to hand and lots of people do, so it doesn't look odd.

I would also get yourself some rescue remedy which you could add to the water if you want to sip it through the day, or go to the loo for a few drops!!:blush:

I do keep lavender and neroli essential oils in my bag for a quick sniff if necesssary!!:yesyes:

Course the biggest help to you would be to try and do what I'm doin at the moment and think well "sod it - if I panic I panic, it's not the end of the world".

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-07-07, 16:15
:yesyes: Hi Jenii,

First of all, don't apologise for asking for help from everyone on this site. We are all literally in the same boat and I always come on here when I need advise or just someone to talk to because everyone here is just so friendly. I'd be lost without this resource.

Anyway, back to you. How do you know that your work colleagues opinions are about yourself - have they told you? Or is it just your imagination putting in some overtime, as is usual with panic attack sufferers.

Someone once said that in situations like this you should have a mantra to say to yourself and that is "WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS" - because it's not. It's what you think of yourself that is most important.

This world is full of people with varying opinions about everything. I'm sure there are people in this world who you dislike, but you pay them no mind and just get on with your life, which I am sure is what your work colleagues are doing. Their lives are probably so small and insignificant, and your life is far more interesting that they need to slag it off or have a moan about it. No one made them God overnight. No one put them in control of your destiny only YOU can do that, and I am sure that you are more than capable of ignoring these petty minded idiots who really have nothing to do all day but slag off Posh Spice's new hairdo, whilst all secretly wishing that they had the guts to copy it !!! I've seen people like this before and I've worked alongside them too. I have been in exactly the same situation as yourself .... it's like playground bullies. They will get bored because their imaginations really aren't that huge.

As for your panic attacks. Everyone gets sick. Everyone needs to take a break now and again to collect their thoughts. Just believe in yourself. Believe in your ability to do your job. You got that job on your own merits.. No one else did the interview for you, YOU did it.

There are things you can take to help you during the day, like Piglet suggested. The rescue remedies are very good. I also find that eating mints or chewiing gum (if you are allowed) helps tremendously because you have something to occupy your mind, and that, I believe, is the secret to recovering from panic attacks. You need to reprogramme your mind to think more laterally.

Each day brings different things. A different sunrise, a different set of weather, and within yourself a different attitude. We all have off days and we are allowed to have off days, so don't worry about taking time of work because you don't feel well. You are a human being not a robot. You must listen to your body.

I hope this has helped. I've garbled on a bit haven't I. I've suffered with panic attacks for nearly 5 years now and I'd say the last two of those have been in recovery because I've experienced the wonder of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (retraining your thought patterns) and I can say, hand on heart, that I no longer consider myself to be a sufferer, just a coper !

If you feel that your panic attacks are getting out of your specific control, go to see your GP and ask him/her about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It really will open your mind and show you just how your world SHOULD be, and take away the burden and black cloud of panic attacks.


Mrs Cluggy.

10-07-07, 16:37
Oooh good post MrsCluggy!!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

10-07-07, 20:11
wow you guys are lovely :)

i have tried rescue remedy before which has worked, i must pick some more up. also thanks for the gum chewing idea.

alas i am clearly having an off day, feel like i am constantly in and out of panicing.

10-07-07, 21:13
The best thing to do is get the breathing under control either sat at your desk or go to the loos and do it there.

In through the nose for the count of 4 and then out again!

It does work.

10-07-07, 22:28
Hi Jennii and :welcome:

Don't worry about seeking advice, that's what we're here for! I have problems with work and anxiety too although it's not the job that's the problem, more the fact I'm in a place where I have to stay. I take my trusty bottle of water to work with rescue rememdy in. I also try to distract myself if I feel the panic coming on. This can either be by concentrating really hard on the job in hand or doing a little mind distraction game. Lastly I break my day up into chunks and don't think too far ahead (e.g. the first chunk is from getting in to morning break).

Well done for getting back to work it sounds like you're making great progress.

Take care,

Oooh good post MrsCluggy!!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

I second that Piggles bud!

10-07-07, 23:15
got some rescue rememdy in, tis definately helping, still got the whole random pains thing but coming on here and reading your comments really helps calm me down. thank you again.

11-07-07, 12:03
Well done Jenii - you keep trying hun.:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

Pink Princess
12-07-07, 13:14
hey, i get scared of panicking at work but i take my safety things with me, i have a necklace and my keys and a small teddy - or soething similar - and i carry them with me so that i i feel panicky i remember them and that i am safe and othing can happen even if i do panic.

also what i do is when i get panicky feelings i try to change my thoughts, eg i focus on something around me. i work with dogs so its easy, i think of one dog and think of everything, say the colours the breed the name its bed toys lead etc and i get distracted.

hope this helps.

minnie xxxxxxxxxxxx