View Full Version : Embarrassing question/problem

13-03-18, 02:45
So I have had anal skin tags for years and fissures. They bleed from time to time but its bright red blood so I'm never really concerned and I have no other symptoms at all. Move forward to the past few days. I have had quite a sore bum hole. I thought originally it was one of the tags playing up, maybe got inflamed or whatever. I got my husband to check and he took a photo to show me. There is like a blister to the right of my bum hole. I have put some of my anal fissure cream on it and he says it looks a lot better this morning and not as red. I'm now worried it is something more sinister. Surely if it was, it wuldnt just clear up over night? I have no other problems like bloating or fatigue or feeling full. Nothing except the bright red blood which I am assuming are the fissures that I've had for years.
Any advice before I.go mad on Google.

13-03-18, 05:34
I thing the things to concentrate on here are that you have a pre existing condition in that area and that you have found applying the normal treatment for it is working. If it were anything more worrying, the treatment wouldn't be working for it.

So, monitor it and if it doesn't go, consult your GP.

Could a blister be the result of rubbing of the tags? Perhaps skin was torn away so it bled and now it is healing up hence the blister?