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View Full Version : Always a bumbling mess when I consult a doctor of any kind!

13-03-18, 11:40
My health anxiety is so bad and I have such a fear of anything medical related that when I visit the GP or a hospital doctor I’m always a bumbling mess.

I’ve been having really bad gut related symptoms recently, managed to convince my gp to refer me to a gastroenterologist. I saw him a couple of weeks ago and had written every symptom down as I know my mind would go blank if not. He says it’s IBS and just to go on an exclusion diet and take antidepressants!

I’m annoyed with myself because there were so many more questions I could of asked but all I wanted to do was to get out of the hospital ASAP and I don’t really remember half of what he said:huh:

I visited my gp today as I still have various symptoms and feel I haven’t gotten anywhere but yet again, bumbling mess comes along and I’ve walked out of the surgery not having covered anything I really wanted to say, just felt I was wasting his time (yet I’d waiting and hour and half for the appointment!!)

Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this?! I feel so incompetent at times and this anxiety just takes over :wacko:

13-03-18, 11:46
I just do the "everything is fine" bit (I don't have HA) I don't like putting my worries onto the Doctor :roflmao:

13-03-18, 12:55
I have to rehearse what I'm going to say before I go in, and then I really worry that I'm going to put emphasis on the wrong thing and miss something important, or I'm going to not explain it properly which will lead the Dr to miss something crucial. I have tried writing stuff down before but then I feel neurotic reading off a list! I feel that I have to explain how much anxiety the symptoms are giving me and the diseases that I'm worried I have, but then that leads to me worrying that the Dr will not take it seriously and just chalk it all up to anxiety. You really can't win!