View Full Version : Off to face the bridge again!

12-12-04, 17:36
Just to let you all know that I am away from Tuesday until late Thursday night and I won't have internet access.

I am off back to Wales and going to try the bridge again [:P]

Please direct any problems/queries with the forum to Meg.

Many thanks.


12-12-04, 19:46
hey Nic,

Good luck with the bridge - you can do it hun!! Hope you have a nice time away. Look forward to seeing you around soon!! Take care.

Sarah :D

12-12-04, 20:12
Thanks Sarah.

I am scared I have to admit but Meg is going to be on the phone if I need her.

Just got to psych myself up to do it.


12-12-04, 20:47
Hi Nic

Good luck with the bridge, I work on a Tuesday otherwise I would come and meet you to escort you over. Where in Wales are you going this time ? As I am in C ardiff as you know if you need some company.

Take care

Elaine xxx

12-12-04, 20:50

I am going to Bridgend (what an ironic name lol).

Thanks for the offer though - I appreciate it.


12-12-04, 21:40
Hi Nic

I know how you are feeling but i have complete faith in you. Call me if you need some support, know you have Meg but if i can help in anyway i will. I will text you my work number so you know where you can contact me.

Take care mate.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

12-12-04, 21:48
Thanks Sal

I will text you to tell u how it went.

Thanks mate



12-12-04, 22:03
Good luck facing the bridge Nic. You can do it!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-12-04, 08:42
Good luck with the bridge,

You CAN do this Nic.


"Believe in yourself. You gain strenght, courage
and confidence by every experience in which you
stop to look fear in the face.
You must do that which you think you cannot do"

13-12-04, 10:45
Hey Nic

Ive every confidence in you hon, wobble or no wobble it wont take you long to get over the bridge, youve got a great support system with everyones phone number and im guessing youve stocked up on your rescue remedy.

You Go Girl!!!!!!!

take care love Sarah

13-12-04, 12:25
Hi nic

think of me when ur scared, not that ill do anything but hay?

good luck!

Scooter Girl


13-12-04, 13:15
Hey Scoot

You never know, it might bring a smile to her face!!!!

love Sarah

13-12-04, 15:29
Karen, Jill, Jade and Sarah - thanks for the thoughts.

It is getting slightly worse now cos I was hoping to leave here at 12 and have a leisurely drive down in the daylight. Now it looks like I can't leave till 5ish cos one of the Bridgend guys is coming here to see me to build a new computer.

Not sure whether the bridge will be better in the dark cos I won't be able to see the water but I wanted to do it in the day as a test.

I am also contemplating the tunnel this time but will see how I feel once I get over the bridge - one step at a time lol.

Will let you know how it goes.


13-12-04, 15:41
Think it'll be better in the dark and the tunnel will be lit so easier to see the end.

Will he be going back that night too ?

What sort of Bridge ETA do you think it'll be now ?




You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

13-12-04, 16:10

I hope it will be better but I did work out I was on a bridge on the M6 and it was dark then lol.

Not sure what time - I will get a better idea at about 2ish tomorrow to see how quickly they can build the server. I will let you know then if that is ok. If I can sneak off and leave them to it I will.

They are driving here and back in a day - mad people - that is a 7 hour trip!


13-12-04, 16:30
Hi Nic

All the best for tomorrow, you can do it mate and I think it will be easier in the dark for the bridge and the tunnel. You'll be fine and think how good you will feel when you have achieved it.

Best wishes from this side of the bridge lol

Thinking of you


13-12-04, 17:31
Good luck Nic mate,

Thinking of you and sending you loads of P.M.T (POSITIVE MENTAL THOUGHTS)

Take care,


13-12-04, 23:43

I know it wont be easy for you but call me if you need to talk, and i mean it please do. My work number is ********** know you have Meg but you can have me supporting you to.

I know you will be fine however hard you find it but dont forget to lean on us mate.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

14-12-04, 20:02
Nic is safely installed in her hotel room about to tuck into a steak dinner .

She successfully 'did' the bridge this afternoon.

14-12-04, 22:09
Fantastic news, thanks for letting us know

love Sarah

16-12-04, 22:02
I am back :D[8D]

What a roller-coaster few days I have had.[:O]

There was a point that I really didn't think I could do it atall and had to pull off the M4 and sat in tears on the phone to Meg cos I just couldn't go on :( I really wanted to go home and give in but I knew that I couldn't and Meg really helped just by talking to me and reassuring me. I sat in the layby for 20 minutes before I could even move again and then decided to carry on to Wales.

A good cry and some rescue remedy later I felt much better.

It was a very difficult drive - loads of road works and the hard-shoulder being shut and each one made me anxious again.

Then we were close to the bridge - gulp! Meg told me to call her when I put the money in the box and then she would talk to me across the bridge. Well she didn't know that you pay at the end so I surprised her by calling to say I had put the money in the box but I had actually DONE the bridge alone!!

Prior to getting on it I was in tears but I was determined to do it so I got on it, turned the MOBY music up very loud and then sang a long and once I was on the bridge I thought "ok this isn't so bad". I even slowed down to 60 mph to make it last longer (note comment from my mum "what do you mean you slowed down how fast do you normally drive" - lol). Last time I went over it at 80ish.

Anyway I did it and I was fine - no panic, no worry and it was actually ok. It was still daylight so I could still see the water below.

I didn't attempt the tunnel cos I saw it and pulled off just before cos the traffic was heavy and I wasn't sure I was ready for it yet.

Anyway to move on quickly - had a bad 2 nights sleep so was very tired today driving back. I did intend to do the tunnel but got 3 junctions away and we were stationety in traffic and I just knew that I wasn't ready yet. I pulled off the M4 and got back on a few junctions down.

Now the bridge. Turned the music up, sang along and got on it. It was ok I didn't panic and I got over it alone again.

I don't think I will ever "like" the bridge but I think that I can tolerate it now and that is good enough for me. As for the tunnel, that can wait. I do the Hatfield tunnel a lot so that will do me for now :)

It has been the hardest drive for me for many years but I did it and I just want to say that it is possible if you get some support (thanks Meg) and really want to do it.

It wasn't easy but then who said panicking was? The drive home was 4 hours and slow moving on the M25 but I was past panicking cos I was too tired to think about it.

I am back home and I am so PLEASED that I did it cos it is another two-fingers up to Mr Panic that insists on trying to stop us in our tracks.

We all need support and someone to tell us that "we can do it" so I will be here for anyone that wants that support with whatever they do - however big or small it is.

I am so pleased to be home but I am sure that next time I go to Wales (Feb) it will be easier now and I will attempt that tunnel. [:O]

Thanks for all your support with this and a big hug to Meg who made me realise that I CAN do it and was there in case I couldn't.

It is possible if you try very very hard and believe me this was very very hard ;) but it is POSSIBLE and don't give in please.


16-12-04, 22:07
Hi Nic,

Have just sat here with a great big :D on my face as I read your post!

You have shown yourself, yet again, that with positive attitude and the "I will not let it beat me" approach, that even the most scary fears can be overcome.

Nice one, Mate!! [^][8D]

Loadsa love

Kate xxx

16-12-04, 22:12
Thanks Kate - I kind of feel proud and shattered at the moment but I know you lot will understand.

My ex boss just said "well what was all the fuss over then". Typical lol!! My new boss congratulated me - makes all the difference doesn't it?


16-12-04, 22:21
Hi Nic

Well done. I know it was really hard for you, but with determination and a positive attitude you did it.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-12-04, 17:57
Thanks Karen

It was hard but I knew that I had to do it or I would always fear the bridge and now I think I can just about handle it.


18-12-04, 21:54
Hi Nic,

[Wow!] That must have been sooo hard for you,
but you did it:D



19-12-04, 08:36
Hi Nic

Well done mate, you did it, ssooooo proud of you.
You have such a positive attitude, an inspiration to all.

Take care

Elaine x

19-12-04, 11:49
Thanks Jill and Elaine.

I appreciate all your support on here.


20-12-04, 16:56
Hi Nicola,

Congratulations on your acheivement. I am sorry I was not around to wish you good luck last week as my computer was broken!


20-12-04, 21:33
Thanks Sue

I appreciate your reply now and not to worry about last week - we all get problems.

