View Full Version : Anxiety has returned after 10 years...

14-03-18, 09:59
Hi..I'm a newby. .but not new to anxiety/depression. ..long story short..I met my husband at the age of 13..we had a long distance relationship for five years...I moved 200 miles when I was 20 to be with him..we married..had our first baby 6 years later...all went well then I developed PND/Severe anxiety..I recovered..went on and had 2 more children..but our relationship started to fail...25 years later I/we made the very difficult decision to separate. ..I grieved for the man I fell in love with..but equally I knew I couldn't live unhappily anymore..he was with someone else within 4 weeks..which devastated me..anyway 9 months down the line I started looking for work..have beenot a stay at home mum for the last 9 years. I got offered a part time job as a carer in a elderly nursing home..it's very close to home..only part time..the advantages outweigh the disadvantages..BUT...my anxiety has returned big time...mornings were the worst when I was ill 10 years ago..but my shifts start early..so it's a real struggle...care work has been something I've always wanted to do..past employment was administration/secretary...so it is a whole new area for me..but I'm struggling...I've been back to my GP who increased my meds. ..I do have Lorazepam from way back..which I did take on my first 2 shifts last week..I just don't know what to do...I don't want to mess this opportunity up...I need the money...I need to get back.into work for my own sanity...and I want to show me kids I can do this...but every morning I'm dreading going in...I'm due to do my first shift of the week tomorrow. .do I take a Lorazepam. .GP advised against it as they are only short acting and can become addictive..😢😢

14-03-18, 10:04
Hiya PhilippaJ and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Deep Blue
14-03-18, 12:19
Hi PhilippaJ , I'm also new to NMP but an old hand at panic & anxiety. You have been through a lot & are still hanging in there. It's so frustrating when symptoms try to stop you doing what you want to do. It's usual to be nervous starting a new job. You might fingers your anxiety settles down as you get over the first few days or weeks. Remember to take some time to care for yourself & try to relax, maybe some gentle exercise. Good luck PhilippaJ

---------- Post added at 12:18 ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 ----------

Oops. Sorry PhilippaJ meant might find not fingers. Thanks predictive text. You can tell I'm both new and nervous. Sorry

---------- Post added at 12:19 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ----------

Oops. Sorry PhilippaJ meant might find not fingers. Thanks predictive text. You can tell I'm both new and nervous. Sorry