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View Full Version : ALOPECIA

10-07-07, 21:49
dear all

my son has been diagnosed as having alopecia, were all very upset. dont know much about it as yet. We have an appointment with a tricologist tomorrow. If anyone has any help please let me know. I suffer badly with anxiety so as you can imagine im struggling.

love lilibet x x

10-07-07, 22:38
Hi Lilibet,

Don't know very much about alopecia, but this website seems useful.


I hope the appointment goes well tomorrow.

Big Hugs


10-07-07, 22:46
All the best for the appt.:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-07-07, 09:50
Dear Ray and Piglet

Thanks for the replies will let you know how we get on.

Feeling very anxious today.

love lilibet x x

15-07-07, 23:23
Hi Lilibet
Hope the appointment went well. I saw a tricologist on and off for the last few years as i had a problem with hair loss. She was brilliant and very supportive and helpful. I am fine now, mine was a simple hair loss that occured after an op. There are many different kinds so it is good that you are seeing someone who knows about it.
There are things that can be done so try not to worry too much.