View Full Version : Anxiety or Interstital Cystitis?

15-03-18, 23:58
Hi, I have been experiencing urinary symptoms of frequency and discomfort for almost 4 months. I have gotten almost every test done except a cytoscopy. All the doctors think it is a sensory issue/anxiety manifestation in my bladder due to my history of anxiety and OCD. I just started therapy and medication, but I am so doubtful my anxiety and OCD could be the root of this. Has anyone else ever experienced this? I have no pain, food does not make the discomfort worse, and sometimes it goes away when I am busy. Help!

18-03-18, 15:50
Hi, I am going through the same thing. I was treated for a UTI but it hasn't made any difference. I feel the pressure to go pretty much all the time. What medication are you on? I'm incredibly worried about bladder cancer and interstitial cystitis, this is pretty much taking over my life. Occasionally I can get distracted enough that I don't notice it for a while but not often.

19-03-18, 20:19
I am currently on Zoloft, but it has only been a few days, so I cannot say I feel different yet. But yes, pressure all the time! The thought of interstitial cystitis makes everything worse. So nice to know I am not alone.

20-03-18, 20:13
Thank you! They believe it is exacerbation of the bladder as well, just very anxious about it.

21-03-18, 09:33
I have the same issue. Now I'm trying to accept it as anxiety I've had days with no symptoms.

Mine got bad when I found out about interstital cystitis. I've had the cytoscopy etc.

21-03-18, 12:58
Look up my old threads, I had this fear before, too.