View Full Version : Cancer worries from a newbie :(

16-03-18, 14:46
Hi everyone, I'm new here.

I'm certainly not new to panic, anxiety or excessive amounts of stress. I've been a panicker all my life... I have OCD, Anxiety Disorder and Aspergers Syndrome.

Anyway, In early February I started with a very bad case of tonsilitis. The usual sort of symptoms and was confirmed by a doctor. I was put on a 10 day course of penicillin which very quickly improved my symptoms and the pain subsided.

When I finished the course, a sore throat started to come back again along with enlarged tonsils, enlarged uvula and protruding glands in the neck. The doctors put me on another course of antibiotics which, again, helped the symptoms.

2 days after finishing this course of antibiotics the sore throat started to niggle again... large glands in the neck and enlarged tonsils. Certainly not tonsilitis or anywhere near the pain/discomfort I was in with the original tonsilitis I had started with but quite uncomfortable in the morning and evening.

I have been back to the doctors who confirmed my throat is still very red, glands are up etc... and has arranged for me to have a blood test and throat swab to check for gladular fever and strep.

The reason I am panicking is that I know enlarged glands in the neck and sore throat can be an indicator of throat cancer - especially if these symptoms don't clear up. Its been around 6 weeks since I started with the first bout of tonsilitis... and maybe 3 weeks with this sore throat / large glands.

I've also had a lot of body aches and pains during this time... which is making me even more paranoid.

AND to top it all off, Ive been losing weight because I've been on a strict diet. Now my mind is trying to attribute this weight loss to a possible cancer rather than the fact I have been on a diet.

I cant get the blood test done at my doctors for a week yet, then I'll have to wait for those results. The stress is driving me insane.

Is anyone in the same boat or has anyone had similar experiences?


Edit: I'm 31 and a non-smoker / non-drinker

16-03-18, 15:56
Maybe you're a bit run down from the strict dieting. Try upping your food intake a bit so you get more nutrients :)

17-03-18, 00:08
It's really painful at night.... I can't stand this worry about cancer. Driving me insane and making me very upset.

17-03-18, 00:15
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. Nothing you describe indicates cancer.

My cancer started with a swollen gland. I too went through two courses of antibiotics and they did nothing. The gland grew.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

17-03-18, 11:12
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. Nothing you describe indicates cancer.

My cancer started with a swollen gland. I too went through two courses of antibiotics and they did nothing. The gland grew.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

Thanks so much for your insight. May I ask you... if it was cancer, would the swelling and discomfort be helped during the course of antibiotics but return after completing the course?

My throat is very red and inflamed and just doesn't seem to be improving.

17-03-18, 11:42
Hi darthvader,

I can't answer you with the same knowledge as Fishmanpa, but he makes a lot of sense. Importantly, he's had cancer of a kind you're fearing and he doesn't think it sounds like what he endured!

To my knowledge, tumors don't shrink and then inflate again. They are there all the time. So, I think I can at least say antibiotics would not mask cancer.

You mention you've felt better each time you had a course of antibiotics. I'm pretty confident they don't do that for cancer, either.

What I do know is that the weight loss from cancer is often rapid. I saw it in family. It goes beyond weight loss like you'd have from your diet. You even seem to know yourself that this one is reaching a bit, so don't worry unless your doctor says to. Tell her you're concerned, though, so she can set you at ease!

I know this is a scary time for you. I also started having a health issue early February, and because of it, my recovery from Health Anxiety relapsed after two years of work and much improvement. Don't let your anxiety put you in the same spot!

By the way, if you've been having any of these thoughts because you've been Googling, don't. Doctor Google is evil. He will always steer you wrong, whereas your GP sounds like she is looking at reasonable causes.

If none of that helps, I wanted you to know someone else was also here and listening to you. When you're anxious and scared, knowing you have someone to speak to means a lot. It does for me, anyway. That's why I was here tonight!

17-03-18, 13:16
if it was cancer, would the swelling and discomfort be helped during the course of antibiotics but return after completing the course?

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Please read that as often as you need to.

Positive thoughts

23-03-18, 17:41
Bit of an update here. Had full blood count done and a liver function test of some sort and a throat swab - all of which came back negative.

The sore throat has subsided but I still have swollen glands in the neck and a very inflamed throat to look at.

The other symptoms I have are stomach pains, particularly one side, and pains in the lower right of my back.

If I had cancer anywhere would some signs be visible in the blood work? Usually?

28-03-18, 18:45
I'm kinda spiralling with all these worries. Now I've noticed my tonsils and glands are still enlarged with my left tonsils bleeding on occasion. People are telling me not to worry but it's driving me mental