View Full Version : meningitis??

16-03-18, 22:59
16 y/o here... So a few hours ago i (without realising), drank milk out of a glass one of my family's visitors used (wasnt cleaned). I get anxiety about getting diseases like meningitis and when i found out i did my mind immediately reminded me about how you can get meningitis from doing this... i keep telling myself its just anxiety but i still keep thinking about it...dont know why im like this! what are my chances of getting sick??

btw is dr.Google really actually accurate?? I know it only makes me really anxious but i cant help doing it!!!

16-03-18, 23:38
If those people don't have it then how can you possibly catch it from them?

Chances of getting sick - ZERO.

Stop googling as well - unless you use approved medical sites how can you tell the information is accurate.

17-03-18, 00:07
Nicola thanks for your reply... hopefully learned my lesson on not googling diseases again... once i get the time from school and work i'm going to see a doctor for help for my HA...
Again thank you xx