View Full Version : Intense jaw pain and tension

17-03-18, 01:33
Please talk to me about jaw pain and muscle tension. I have awful tension in my jaw tonight. I don't often struggle with health anxiety any more, but today has Not been good. I've had a twitching tongue and weakness in my fingers over the last few weeks, and then today my jaw began feeling very tired when I talked. So I'm terrified of having a degenerative muscle or neuroligical disease, despite the fact that I know I've been tensing my face muscles all day, and my husband says my back and neck muscles are extremely tight, and I can eat and talk normally. But my jaw just aches so badly that I'm afraid to talk and make it hurt more! 😭

As for my tongue twitching, it has come and gone in the past, and always around times of intense stress which I've had a LOT of these last few weeks, and a doctor and numerous patients have told me it's very common. And my finger symptoms are very likely from a pinched nerve from all this tension. Please tell me you've had muscle pain and fatigue from intense stress and anxiety too?

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

And more imortantly, how can I relieve my jaw tension quickly, and without medication?

23-03-18, 02:25
I have the jaw pain now. I posted a few weeks to a month ago about it and some members talked to me about trigermalgia and TMJ. My dentist says it’s definitely TMJ and stress as well as sleeping improperly contribute. My counselor is aware as well as my GP who I follow up with next week, and I will be telling him I still feel it. My counselor read something out of a book, Heal Body I think it’s called. You look up what hurts and it tells you what emotion you might be feeling, anger is one for jaw pain. I can definitely say I’ve had a short fuse recently (I bit off more than I can chew at once) so I’m angry with myself and that is contributing to the jaw pain. I’ve found mild relief with heat and ice on rotation as well as 1 Aleve. I don’t like taking medication, but sometimes I need relief and have to go that route. A fellow member said don’t massage as it makes it worse. Another said accupunture helped him.

23-03-18, 03:56
I am right there with you both... I have some kind of small lump that I feel under my jawline and after my GP felt it this past Monday he said it’s nothing to be concerned with. I, of course, have kept feeling it all day and now I have pain and tension in my jaw, throat, and neck. We should each stop rubbing and feeling our necks and try to relax. I think it is common for stress-related tension to happen in that area. I’m about to put a heating pad on my head haha.