View Full Version : is this possible??

17-03-18, 01:54
this time the problem is not about me.. it's about a friend! she is 21 like me and during the last month she experiences some symptoms
she has extreme fatigue and dizziness she feels weak she has headaches and now she has fever without reason... now the thing gets more complicated.. she had a blood test and it says normal white cell count is 4000 - 10.000 and she had 10.400
i guess it's within normal range that too i mean it's not too over the normal but i'm thinking.. could this be the beginning of something (like leukemia)
and her white cells continue to increase??? have you heard something like that? she has anxiety like me too but i can't explain her symptoms
please if anyone knows!

17-03-18, 02:08
The smallest of things can raise your WBC. In the UK generally the normal range is upto 12000. I had a blood test last year and my WBC count was 12200 and next time it was 4600. She's fine.

17-03-18, 12:51
What was her ferritin/iron count? Some of those symptoms can be had with anaemia.