View Full Version : Brain MRI Results scared!!

17-03-18, 06:16
Hey all.

I know none of are qualified to medically diagnose or screen or any of that.
I just wanted some opinions on my results from MRI I had Monday.

The reason for MRI was morning headaches and numbness under tongue.
I had a clear non contrast head CT in January and for a while that was enough to keep me calm. But then I of course googled like always and came across people having brain tumors that were missed because MRI is the gold standard for brain imaging as far as tumors go.

So I ended up talking my neurologist into giving me one.
My results are this:


There is a venous structure seen in the region of the cisternal segment of the left trigeminal nerve. No evidence of cavernous sinus mass or denervation atrophy of the muscles of mastication.

Ventricles / Sulci: Within normal limits for age.

Acute Infarction: None present. No restricted diffusion present.

Hemorrhage: None present.

Mass Lesion / Mass Effect: None present.

Chronic Infarction / Ischemia: None present.

Other Parenchymal Disease: None present.

Abnormal Enhancement: None present.

Subarachnoid Spaces: Unremarkable.

Cervicomedullary Junction: Unremarkable.

Calvaria / Skull Base: Normal appearing.

ICA / Vertebral / Basilar Arteries: Normal flow voids present.

Orbits / Face: Visualized areas appear unremarkable.

Paranasal Sinuses: Unremarkable.

Other Incidental Findings: Bilateral mastoid effusions, greater on the right.

My fear is the venous structure finding. My doctor said she reviewed the imaging and its just veins but the word structure is making me think early tumor trying to grow or something just as bad like a blood clot?

I just cant calm down and I know the best person to talk to would be my dr that ordered the test which I have talked to her and she said I was fine. It just doesn't seem fine that the last mri didn't see the venous structure and this one did.

17-03-18, 07:07
Your specialists are far more qualified to interpret your results than any one here on this forum.

The scan was good and your Dr said you are fine, so you should be relieved. Next time you see her, ask her the question, in the meantime see about getting some help for your HA :)

17-03-18, 08:06
I asked her about it and even asked could It be a mass or DVA which is: "A developmental venous anomaly (DVA) is an unusual or irregular arrangement of small veins that may look like the spokes of a wheel. The veins drain into a larger central vein. DVAs are benign (not cancerous)"

It would fit "venous structure" in my opinion but when I asked if that's what it was, she was like no, its just normal part of your anatomy everyone is different.

well if its normal I don't see why the radiologist would have even brought it up even if it was an incidental and non specific finding.

17-03-18, 13:09
All I see are a lot of "normal" and "unremarkable" results.

Positive thoughts

17-03-18, 21:26
well if its normal I don't see why the radiologist would have even brought it up even if it was an incidental and non specific finding.

So that if a medical person looks at your MRI pictures and sees this area and thinks "What's that?", the radiologist's answer is already there.

I had a 3 centimeter cyst in my breast for years. Totally benign, but a radiologist would have been remiss to not have noted something that big on review of my mammograms, etc.

17-03-18, 23:27
You are fine! Take the good news, and close the chapter. A radiologist has to record all findings.

19-03-18, 00:20
They have to note everything, doesn’t mean it’s bad. If it was bad you’d know.

These people are professionals and they’ve seen many many things, if they are not concerned about the results then you needn’t be either. They’ve seen enough things to know what’s bad and what could potentially be bad.

Don’t try and interpret results yourself, I’ve done that before and it’s a recipe for disaster.