View Full Version : Panic Attack, Anxiety Attack or both

17-03-18, 16:25
I always get anxious about anything and everything, I over think things before there’s even anything to over think! Usually I just carry on with normal day to day life and if I feel a bit strange when I’m out I just push on through and tell myself that I’m fine. The past 2 days have been different though.
2 nights in a row, I’ve been fine most of the day and then all of a sudden I’ve felt a bit cold and that’s where it starts.
Because I’m cold I wonder why I’m cold, which then starts making me get a horrible stomach feeling and a sick feeling, I then went the opposite and was hot so yet again started to over think why I was so hot, legs started shaking, dry mouth, still thinking I had something seriously wrong with me. I went to bed still like this and eventually got calmed down and felt a lot better but what a state I was in.
I don’t know if it’s panic, anxiety or both. I recently decided to try some aromatherapy and have roller balls for sleep, stress, focus and head clear, whether it’s all in the head when I use them I don’t know, I won’t take medications as I’ve had allergic reactions to things in the past so that would just be another thing for me to have an attack about so I’d rather avoid it altogether.
Can anyone give any advice as to what they do and if this sounds like a typical attack from anxiety or panic disorders?

Thank You.

17-03-18, 19:23
It sounds like a typical anxiety attack. I get that way at least once a day. I found that finding something else to focus on helps. I usually go to my computer and either find a tutorial on YouTube of something I am interested in or play a computer game until it passes. Some last longer than others and it sucks when the symptoms become different. I get used to the same symptoms, so my mind sometimes likes to trip me up.

17-03-18, 20:01
Yeah I try to do something to keep me occupied and my mind off symptoms but it’s weird how I can be fine one minute and then all of a sudden it’s like it all hits from nowhere all at once, trying to focus on something else takes some doing when there’s so many symptoms. I’ve got relaxation apps and go on YouTube for anything to do with relaxing, I can’t seem to take my mind off it if I watch tv or do anything on a computer apart from YouTube.

18-03-18, 00:07
Trust me. I get it. I will be fine most of the day and then out of nowhere, boom. I can't do relaxation videos or tapes when I get them. I find that if I try to relax I just end up focusing more on my symptoms. I find that playing a game that requires concentration or coming on here and reading some posts, helps more. Good luck. I pray you have symptom free days from here on out.