View Full Version : Derealization feeling really strange

17-03-18, 22:00
So today I kept getting random weird thoughts like why do what we do but the feeling that came with it was like I wasn't able to do anything but I still could and left after 30 seconds and lately I've still been worried about a tumour even though the neurolgist said I didn't need an MRI because he said I didn't have any symptoms, he checked my coordination and some other stuff, and I'm worried about school so I don't know if it's that making my anxiety worse but the feeling I had today I never had before and I'm freaking out

18-03-18, 11:06
I think school is definitely making your anxiety worse. It's difficult to just relax and trust what your doctor says and accept that you're actually healthy, but it's important that you try and convince yourself of this. I feel that paralysing feeling, too, like I'm unable to move, like I don't want to move. I believe it's just anxiety. :)