View Full Version : Testicle tube pain

18-03-18, 09:36
So since late December I’ve had an on and off pain in the bit that attaches to the testicle , it’s more there when I think about it and seems no so bad if I’m occupied. I’ve had a scan 3 years ago and since a few doctors as it comes back . I can’t tell if it’s health anxiety making it worse ! I know I prod it too much ! No lumps or swelling on either testicle all seems to be ok .

I know a year ago I had terrible aches for 2 months , saw the GP and it went away that day ! Which seems mad .

Cause me no end of anxiety

Do u think anxiety can really do this to me ? I know tense my left leg a lot without realising

Any kind words would be great
Love you guys x

18-03-18, 10:01
Hi corwichnity. been reading a few of your posts. Most are seeking reassurance which is fine in small doses, but keep asking for it then the cycle is being feed again and again so not good. yes I believe it can and it's your HA which needs addressing so make appointment with you dr on this :) So it's nothing sinister to worry about, stop prodding it, and stop dr googling he is your worst enemy!! You can beat this mate :) ATB

18-03-18, 11:23
Trust me stop prodding it and feeling it and it will go away. I had this a while ago to the point I was sure it was something sinister as I had prodded so much it was sore all the time! I had a scan and was all fine. Left it alone and it went away.

Obviously if yours doesn't go away then visit your GP