View Full Version : Left sided ache/fullness.

19-03-18, 11:09
Over the last 6 years I have had several episodes of this nagging ache and fullness on the left side. It is under my last rib and extends down to the hip area. It almost feels like something is stuck in there. I do have sensitive bowels and suffer with IBS on and off. I have had scans and they were always clear and my doctor insists on IBS. It tends to go after a few months. I am 45 now and I guess my logical side thinks oh it is just that 'thing' again but my HA brain says it is probably Pancreatic cancer :(
Does anyone else experience this sort of ache/fullness? Can stress (unrelated to health anxiety) cause digestive disturbances?

23-03-18, 22:04
I to have ibs and the same problem, sometimes it feels to high up my ribs to be ibs like my 3rd rib up but mainly it’s a fullness under the bottom left rib and down to my hip, I was worried to about my pancreas being diabetic but apparently pancreatic pain is more central and as I’m happy to blissfully go along knowing it is more central and I have heard other ibs sufferers say about the fullness I am going to put it down to that, also the fact I’ve hd it for years on and off tells me it probably is ibs related.

24-03-18, 11:26
Mine is lower left

Where the bowel turns in towards the centre

Same place all the time for the last 8-9 weeks

But I have noticed recently ive got a new sort of discomfort that feels like its working its way up my bowels up towards my rib and over to my liver now

I'm convinced I've got bowel cancer which has spread to my liver, I'm a complete mess :scared15:

I do think/hope its just stress making things worse...

24-03-18, 20:18
Yes! Mine is upper left and intermittent. Almost like a spasm but deep inside. Of course I worry about pancreatic cancer but I think there is a bend in the colon there, where gas gets trapped

26-03-18, 07:51
Thank you everyone. It helps to read your replies that I am not alone :hugs: