View Full Version : Twitching

19-03-18, 12:22
Hi to all I am a healthy(well I think so) 40 year male father of one. I have always suffered with anxiety and worrying.

Two weeks ago after a fun day in the snow with family pulling my 3 year old daughter on her sledge I started a rather annoying twitch in my left bicep. It all started that evening and I didn't think too much about it.
As the days progressed it started to bug me and keep me awake at night. Then I did the stupid thing of googling it! MND, ALS all popped up and my mind went into over drive and sleep was almost non-existent as I was worrying which in turn made it twitch like crazy!

I visited the doctor within a week he didn’t seem to concerned did the usual reflex and strength tests which were fine and ran some blood tests to check my magnesium levels.
It has been two weeks now and it is still twitching.

I have an appointment with him this week to discuss the results but I would be very surprised if I am suffering from low levels. I will ask to be referred to a neurologist.

Part of me thinks this is stress as I have had a very stressful last couple of months but haven’t felt it at the time, other part of me thinks it’s a physical issue caused by the sledging (I now hate snow). BFS is one cause but as I only twitch in one place I’m not so sure.

Would stress cause a twitch in an arm muscle?? I always thought eye lid for that?
Thanks for any advice.

19-03-18, 22:23
Would stress cause a twitch in an arm muscle?? I always thought eye lid for that? Thanks for any advice.

Simple answer is yes. In general, use of any muscle (and ones you haven't worked) can cause them to twitch and stress can and does exasperate it. Back in the day when I was weightlifting, I would get twitches galore. Never gave it a 2nd thought nor should you.

Positive thoughts

20-03-18, 03:23
I've noticed for the last eight months that my tongue twitches when I anticipate extremely stressful events with certain people in my family. It starts a couple weeks beforehand, and lasts about a week or so afterwards. My neurologist wants to see me about it, but I'm also somewhat comforted by the fact that it only ever shows up around times of intense interpersonal stress, and dissipates afterwards.

20-03-18, 04:46
:shades:Twitching is so common with anxiety. It's all Dr.Google's fault tho. I also went through the A** fear, after a while you kinda get over the fear. A** is a very progressive disease, Dr.Google fails to mention that A** twitching starts after the muscles has been disconnected from the brain and the twitching is very weak. The muscle starts twitching because it's dying and you're no longer able to use it. People with A** rarely mention any twitching, they go to the doctor because they keep falling. Some go because they can't lift a fork or open a door knob. The weakness with A** is very serious and happens quickly within a few weeks. I've had over 15 symptoms they went alway after i stopped worrying about them. They could last for as long as you feed it, my symptoms went on for almost a year. The more you google the stronger the symptoms get, Constantly visiting doctors also feeds this physical anxiety. Try some magnesium and no more Dr.Google.

20-03-18, 05:28
STRESS! I've been in the ALS rabbit hole numerous times and my neurologist has assured me twitching is not a first symptom. Normally it's an over worked muscle, tired muscle, stressful body - etc etc ... you name it - everything under the sun BUT ALS. ;)

20-03-18, 07:35
thank you all for your words. It is getting better but i have noticed its twitching now and again in my other arm...will stop the ALS worries and no more google!

Need to calm down and get more sleep and im sure it will get better. thank you

20-03-18, 18:27
FYI, this link does *not* give medical advice, but it did give me some ideas that I adapted to my dietary/lifestyle to help calm down my twitching. The fact that it's a long-term plan helped remove some of my anxiety, since the writer doesn't promise instant reassurance. We need to wait a year to see results, and we end up relaxing in the meantime.


21-03-18, 10:38
thank you i will look at that link. I had a good nights sleep last night which has helped my mental state but i am still twitching....perhaps this is just me now, i think once i can find out there is nothing majorly wrong with me i will calm down. thanks.

23-03-18, 10:46
Update, latest GP appointment showed my blood results to be normal. It was a different doctor and he was positive i was showing no signs of MND/ALS. Wasn't sure what was causing it but will write to the neurologist and see if they want to see me. Otherwise all healthy and get back doing some exercise (i stopped as i thought it may be causing the twitching). So i need to calm down but still twitching away in my left arm as i type this!!

13-01-19, 18:26
Quick update for anyway in the Als hole. My twitching was constant in my left arm for 9 months non stop. It is finally gone and i am fine, no als/mnd. Hope this may help someone in the future.

It went when i finally stop caring about it and just got on with my life.

13-01-19, 22:53
Twitching on its own is nothing.

14-01-19, 06:27
What I want to know is where did you find snow? We are annoyingly lacking it in the UK!

01-03-19, 11:34
Hi there, that’s good to know, thanks for updating your post. I’ve had a twitching thumb for over 4 weeks and general twitches all over. Dr didn’t seem worried and said I should stop thinking about it, it’s just tired! I’m trying to chill and get on with my life!