View Full Version : CBD Oil

19-03-18, 14:35
Has anybody ever tried CBD Oil for anxiety? I have severe health anxiety and panic disorder that I have been going to therapy and taking medication for. I have a friend at work who is about to try CBD oil for her anxiety and I have been reading positive reviews and articles on the internet. It actually has government funding for medical research here in the United States.

If it's as good as I have seen I would like to get on this bandwagon. I think it would be a much healthier option than benzos and SSRIs and the fact that it is legal I wont have to risk failing a drug test at work. Unfortunately, weed is not legal at any level in the state that I live in so it is riskier for me to want to smoke a joint to quell my anxiety.

So if anybody has experience with CBD oil I would love to hear about it!


19-03-18, 15:07
I'm thinking of going down this route as well. Apparently "charlotte's web" is the best CBD oil around but it seems it's only available in the U.S.

19-03-18, 15:25

My friend is getting her stuff through this site and it has excellent reviews. I recently contacted them with some general information about myself and situation. I know it was once illegal here in the States. Is it legal in the UK?

19-03-18, 15:59
Marijuana is not legal in UK. Hemp oil is, but I would question its use in anxiety disorders.

19-03-18, 16:07
I could be wrong and I'm always open to being corrected, but I think CBD oil is legal in the UK. There's a shop by me that sells it and I think you can buy it in high street health shops.

As I say, I could be wrong.

19-03-18, 16:10
They sell CBD oil in Holland and barrett although its quite weak. Legalised last year in the UK. I'm having some positive effects from it over the last week.

19-03-18, 16:37
but I would question its use in anxiety disorders.

In what regards?

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------

I'm having some positive effects from it over the last week.

I am under the impression, at least from the site of the link I provided above, you can get it in weaker or stronger doses, depending on the kind of person you are and how it initially affects you.

How do you feel when you take it? Can you tell that it is in your system, like when you take a benzo? Or do you just notice a gradual change in your mood and mental state over a period of time?

19-03-18, 16:47
CBD oil is legal in the UK and it wasn't caught up in the later "legal highs" legislation.

But you have to be careful as Hemp Oil has been around for a long time and is not CBD although some have called it this. People have been putting Hemp Oil in food for ages but the original form doesn't contain the CBD you are looking for. Hence some people have been stung over this confusion.

From what I can tell some manufacturers use levels of CBD that is just too low. So good research is needed and cost savings might be disadvantageous until it all comes down in price (although it was over a year ago when I read about this stuff).

There is research by a UK company into it's use in a US drug trial with participants with a specific form of epilepsy that is hard to treat with conventional drugs. Let's hope that paves the way for other research.

They basically cultivate the plant with greatly reduced levels of THC and greatly enhanced levels of CBD. The result being the THC is below legal limits. Whether that means you pass a drugs test, I would check.

That's what I found out anyway from reading about it across various press resources, drug trial sites, etc. Whether it works, no idea. I have seen a few threads about it with members who say it does so you could try a search.

19-03-18, 17:29
Great info from mynameisterry. Just want to add that if anyone takes a pharmacutical drug that says grapefruit juice must not be drunk whilst on the drug then you must not use cbd oil as both grapefruit and cbd repress the same liver pathway that clears the pharmacutical drug and you could overdose.
Responsible suppliers should ask the grapefruit juice question but most dont.
For cbd oil to be strong enough to have an effect it is very expensive so if you are paying £20 in a health food shop it will be hemp derived and incredibly weak! Do alot of research.

19-03-18, 17:46
In what regards?

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------

I am under the impression, at least from the site of the link I provided above, you can get it in weaker or stronger doses, depending on the kind of person you are and how it initially affects you.

How do you feel when you take it? Can you tell that it is in your system, like when you take a benzo? Or do you just notice a gradual change in your mood and mental state over a period of time?

I've used it a week and pretty sure it is not a placebo so far. A few others at work and partner are trying it as well and have noticed positive changes in their problems.

I find it grounds me and a sense of mild relaxation. I need to test it more really as so many factors in life affect my mood.

19-03-18, 17:48
Vaping is meant to work for Anxiety. There are a few Websites in the UK that sell good quality oil,but it pays to do your research before you buy.

19-03-18, 17:49
It's the same plant. It really all boils downs to the ratio of CBD to THC. CBD is non-psychoactive. You can get CBD oil with varying concentrations of THC, which would render it illegal in some places. Pure CBD is legal in all 50 states i the US

19-03-18, 17:51
Great info from mynameisterry. Just want to add that if anyone takes a pharmacutical drug that says grapefruit juice must not be drunk whilst on the drug then you must not use cbd oil as both grapefruit and cbd repress the same liver pathway that clears the pharmacutical drug and you could overdose.

Is klonopin in the "grapefruit juice" category? I remember reading something like that when it came to busparone. But I have never seen that warning on any label for any drug that I have gotten at a pharmacy.

19-03-18, 17:59
Yes Klonopin is affected by grapefruit. I think you have to take higher doses of the CBD for it to affect but I wouldn't risk it.

I'm on pregablin and hoping the CBD will help me taper off.

19-03-18, 18:31
SSRIs are also on the grapefruit warning list.

19-03-18, 21:08
Anyone on precription drugs who is thinking of trying cbd oil just read the info sheet that comes with the drug snd if it mentions avoiding grapefruit juice then not a good idea to use cbd oil.
The cheap weak hemp derived products are unlikely to cause a problem but strong cbd oil is a def risk for causing overdose of the prescription drug as explained.
I looked into this in great detail as i wanted to try cbd oil myself but i take verapamil for a heart arrythmia and this drug is one of the grapefruit ones so will not risk it

20-03-18, 01:58
Thanks for the info, countrygirl. Different meds will mean different worries too as you mention a heart drug. Combination with antidepressants will be more about greater effects on Serotonin and then you get the Long QT Syndrome issue too.

I've looked into the liver enzyme issue because I'm on a SNRI that specifically mentions avoiding grapefruit. What I have found is that some meds use the same enzymes so inhibiting them causes the drug to remain in your body for longer which can result in unknowns.

But what we need to perhaps remember is that these drugs come with higher dosing regimes too so just how much does the drug being in the body longer compare to less time but at a higher dosage? I've not got to the bottom of that one yet and it's not easy finding information on this.

It's not just grapefruit juice either. Piperine is another and many of us probably eat this anyway (black pepper). So, it feels a bit of an unknown in some respects.

There is also the issue of which liver enzymes. Different meds in the same class don't all use the same enzymes or depend on them in the same way. Some meds use multiple enzymes but one may be strong use where another is weak use. Some work on a cascade, where a major use enzyme is slightly inhibited it pushes demand to another minor use enzyme. And there is some drug research out there about drugs using the same enzymes not clashing as they don't depend on major/minor the same.

Like countrygirl says, it's one for research. Expect to need to understand the use of your drug vs supplement against individual "P" enzyme numbers rather than just the larger P enzyme system.

Be careful. Whilst I raised the question above about whether higher dosages cancel out the inhibition debate (of lower doses when combined with an inhabitant) it doesn't mean it's ok, safe, that I understand enough to be confident with it, etc. It's a signpost to do research, if it exists, if you still want to investigate the use of something. It's not to say you shouldn't be putting this to a pharmacist either.

Finding information on grapefruit is much easier than say Piperine in my experience.

Also, not all "avoids" are practical e.g. you can find lists including fish oils yet drug companies don't tell you to avoid fish and doctors are happy you can eat enough fish to get the fish oil needed for health or heart supplementation. It's not made easy for us to navigate, that's for sure!

---------- Post added at 01:58 ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 ----------

It's the same plant. It really all boils downs to the ratio of CBD to THC. CBD is non-psychoactive. You can get CBD oil with varying concentrations of THC, which would render it illegal in some places. Pure CBD is legal in all 50 states i the US

Yep, CBD is what counteracts the THC to prevent it being too strong. They cultivated plants to produce more THC to get stoned, this is just taking it the other way.

I didn't know it was legal in all states now but it's been a while since I looked into the US end.

20-03-18, 07:53
terry you explained it much better than i could have:).
As far as i could gather high strength cbd oil has a much stronger effect than grapefruit juice on particular liver enzyme which means it could be even more risky than glugging the grapefruit juice.

20-03-18, 09:00

Thought some of you on this thread might be interested in this article on the news today (Mind Terry has been on here giving his amazingly knowledgeable guidance :D). Not that you are facing cancer or have cancer, but this lady talks about her reasons also being anxiety and it in simple terms explains some of the issues with using it and lack of research.

20-03-18, 15:17
So how much CBD would be in a bowl of weed? Or does it vary? This past weekend I took .5MG of klonopin and smoked and got pretty high. Was I in danger of overdosing? My sisters bf smokes occasionally and takes a couple of different anti anxiety meds and he has never had this problem. I don't mean to sound like a simpleton but I'm kind of confused.

20-03-18, 15:28
I gave it helps a bit

20-03-18, 18:45
So I found this odd,

I called my doctor just to get his feedback on cbd oil and the effects it might have with klonopin in my system. He said he would NOT endorse it over medication, being that there isn't any medical evidence to show that it actually helps anxiety, but that he would be ok with me trying it out. I'm glad he's comfortable with me trying it out.

But why would he not endorse it? I understand it's not a "medicine" that has been FDA approved and that he's probably under an obligation to not recommend it to cover his ass and that of the hospital system he works for in case something adverse happened. Or if I go and say "he said I could do this and it's not working and I tried to commit suicide when I stopped my other meds". But cbd oil is being medically tested and has received government funding for said testing. The nurse I was talking to wasn't even sure if it's legal in Wisconsin (the state I live in) when it's legal in all 50 states.

Would he have a different answer if something like medical marijuana would be legal in my state? Isn't cbd oil weed without the THC? I don't really understand the push back. I'm curious as to what my therapist would say, seeing that she is a supporter of marijuana for the treatment of anxiety and other mental disorders.

20-03-18, 19:02
CBD oil is just a form where the THC is set lower than a legal limit.

As for your doctor, it's an untested supplement therefore he is under no obligation to recommend or endorse. The same applies to hypnotherapy, magnesium, l-theonine, the list goes on.

Meds are backed by accepted clinical research. CBD oil is a supplement therefore not subject to the medical scrutiny of drug trials. It's complimentary as opposed to a results driven scientific approach.

The evidence isn't there yet. As far I knew real drug testing was in epilepsy and not anxiety treatment therefore any outcomes will be for that until they progress it to other conditions.