View Full Version : Night Sweating

19-03-18, 17:20
Does anyone get this? I’ve been run down this past week with a sore cough and felt a bit under the weather. A couple of times now I have woken up a bit sweaty, where my vest will have a damp patch, only on one side strangely enough. I sometimes get clammy legs.

It’s certainly not drenching sheet changing wet, as a lot of my other body areas are bone dry. I have had a proper drenching sweat once years ago when I had a virus and basically the sheets felt like a swimming pool so i know the extent of a night sweat.

Funny thing is last night I woke up bone dry but was very concious of checking my top and the sheets to ensure they were dry, fell back asleep and when I woke up noticed the sweaty patch on my top and clammy sweaty legs again. It’s almost like I am overthinking it and the sweating then comes on.

Only meds I take are nexium for reflux and that’s only a small dose.

19-03-18, 18:46
I’ve had this on and off for the last couple of weeks. I’ve had a virus recently and it’s from that

19-03-18, 18:49
Had it my entire life. Unless you're literally soaking the bed and pillow to where you can wring them out, it's nothing at all to be concerned with.

Positive thoughts

19-03-18, 19:24
Thanks for the feedback guys. Think I should just stop over analysing, easier said than done though ha! It’s certainly not head to toe drenching. More just sweaty/damp on either my legs or sometimes chest area, enough to darken my vest or tshirt in a certain spot but nothing really more