View Full Version : Does this sound like Anxiety?

19-03-18, 18:32
Okay hear me out- any advice or feedback would be 'immensely' appreciated as I'm quite lost and scared.

So it started off with me having a random, first-time panic attack back in December after some palpitations. From the week following that I had a fuzzy arm, a strangulation feeling and aching chest (all symptoms of anxiety I then found). Later that month I called an ambulance as my chest was tight and hurting like mad. They did one of those small blood tests, checked blood pressure, heart beat etc (have an irregular one) and they put it down as anxiety.

Months down the line, to present day, I still get the odd chest pain (albeit less often now its when in certain positions) but not 'as' bad, but only this week I've started getting very light headed randomly, with the odd head pain, and like lose balance when walking. This is something fairly new so I'm starting to worry. Another new thing is that my chest area started having a bubbling sensation and I'll randomly get butterflys in my stomach for a second every now and then. I'm sure some of these link to anxiety, but some link to things more serious like cancer and stuff so I'm a bit concerned in all honesty.

I've never been an anxious guy and still love going out with my friends and doing stuff. My job sucks and is nothing but stress, but I've handed my notice in and leave on the last day of the month as I couldn't stand it. Not gonna lie, I sometimes drink and I'm 27.

If anyone can help or has some advise or similar stuff, that would be great. I plan to book a doctors appointment when I leave this horrible job. Thanks!

19-03-18, 18:37
Yeah, I mean, go to the doctor and get checked out by all means. Nobody here can tell you for certain what's going on. But mention your anxiety as well. And if the doctor says you're fine, try not to start pushing for further tests. In the meantime, everything you've described sounds like anxiety to me. I'm pretty sure I've felt it all at some point too.

19-03-18, 19:41
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you my friend. From my first panic attack to everything in the middle minus a couple of things you have experienced, but all fall in to that anxiety symptom category.

My first panic attack I called 911, the next week or two did a run down of blood tests. Thyroid, diff panel, blood cell count, blood smear, EKG, blood pressure, yadda yadda. Two different doctors (both colleges out of the same office) confirming anxiety. Now I have klonopin and am seeing a therapist and want to try cbd oil. I still have HA and it acts up every so often but it has gotten better since that first couple of months after my first panic attack.

Doesn't hurt to get a full rundown of lab work once a year, either. By doing that you are being vigilant and it gives you piece of mind.

19-03-18, 19:53

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


19-03-18, 22:42
Yeah thanks guys. I will definitely get checked out soon and book a doc appointment for early April when I've left work- mostly for piece of mind as the natural worry is having something worse than you think.