View Full Version : Why did I google lung c

19-03-18, 19:20
My health anxiety is making me so flipping miserable. It’s affecting my life , I have small children and I am so petrified all of the time.

I had a virus in the last month which affected my chest, one evening about 3 weeks ago I coughed up a few flecks of bright red boood after a very dry hours long coughing fit.

I think that has stayed at the back of my mind.

I’ve been wheezy the last week, I have asthma and sometimes I can’t tell if it’s in my head or not, whether I do need to use my blue pump just to get a bigger breath . I usually use it every day anyway but at the moment I’m focused on needing it every 4 hours , whether it’s psychological or not I honestly can’t tell.

Tonight I coughed up phlegm and there was a red speck in it but could also have been something else as I was making dinner at the time (washed my hands obviously!!)

Then I googled lung c and wish I hadn’t

I don’t know what I’m hoping for , just some advice to put my mind at ease.

I’m too scared to go to the doctor , and don’t even know if I should because I don’t know if I should be worried. So fed up.

Thanks in advance of any replies

19-03-18, 19:39
Prolonged coghing can irritate and inflame things so there’s no surprise you’ve coughed up some blood speckles.

I have exactly the same in the past after chesty coughs or a chest infection. Usually worse in the morning.

19-03-18, 19:52
Do you get wheeziness too? Like shortness of breath feeling? The coughing up specks of blood was 2 weeks ago now.

I’m hoping that because I haven’t actually got a cough any more ( I keep coughing on purpose to clear my throat and am still a bit phlegm -y) and that I generally feel ok apart from the wheeziness that this is a good thing? I wouldn’t say I have a cough at all anymore it’s just ok constantly focusing on whether I need to clear my throat or need to get more oxygen by yawning, if that makes any sense at all.

Just wish I hadn’t googled it.

If it was something terrible would it be all the time that the symptoms were happening?

19-03-18, 20:04
Yeah I’ve had the tight chest/wheeziness feeling. Infact quite recently. Have you ever had an inhaler? That may help that side of things.

I am sure if it was anything worrisome then it would be constant so try and relax. Easier said than done I know.

I should take my own advice on this as well but stay off Dr Google! It’s the worst thing ever. I have done it many times usually just before bed and it’s sent my heart racing with panic sometimes which then effects my rest.

19-03-18, 20:16
Yeah I’ve had the tight chest/wheeziness feeling. Infact quite recently. Have you ever had an inhaler? That may help that side of things.

I am sure if it was anything worrisome then it would be constant so try and relax. Easier said than done I know.

I should take my own advice on this as well but stay off Dr Google! It’s the worst thing ever. I have done it many times usually just before bed and it’s sent my heart racing with panic sometimes which then effects my rest.

Thanks. Yes I do have a blue inhaler which I am relying on too much as it’s easing my anxiety. I am trying to find a counsellor to go to as this is taking over my life again :(

22-03-18, 16:20
I just did the same and have basically been fighting off the urge to write my obituary, but I also spoke with two different doctors who said that this was not lung cancer and is very common. Try to relax. I know it is hard. Even two doctors reassuring me isn't enough.