View Full Version : Health anxiety please help

19-03-18, 21:24
HHi there , so I suffer form horrific health anxiety ! The last two weeks I’ve gone through about 50 illnesses ... I have had slight dizziness , lack of balance , slight brain fog with small headaches for 2-3 weeks .. but can still work and drive . Comes and goes a lot through the day . Taking over my life .. I’ve been panicking over brain problems for the last week after seeing 5 doctors they said I have no symptoms of a serious illness and I wouldn’t be working , driving or seeing my mates if I was truly I’ll . Making go crazy !!
Does anyone experience this ? Thank you

20-03-18, 02:48
Health anxiety is something that I deal with regularly. I’m sorry that you’re having to go through it.

All of the symptoms that you have described could easily be caused by anxiety. At one point last year, I had so many similar symptoms, plus a few more, and I was convinced it was something terrible. It wasn’t until I accepted that I had anxiety issues that these symptoms slowly began to fade.

My suggestion is that you try to get some help from a therapist. Also, try a hobby to get your mind off of it. You’d be amazed how these symptoms disappear when you stop focusing on them.

I still have anxiety about things, but it’s a lot easier.

20-03-18, 21:38
Thank you so much ... is just so hard to believe it’s anxiety when it’s been going on for so long .. I have been to see so many different people that keep telling me I’m fine and it’s anxiety ... it’s just so hard to move on with life being dizzy and loss of balance everyday . I have been seeing a therapist hopefully it works .. I just want them to scan my head but they keep saying you definitely do not need one :(