View Full Version : Travel Insurance & Panic Disorder

11-07-07, 22:55
I arranged travel insurance today for a trip abroad I'm taking shortly. I had to phone and let them know if I was on medication etc etc. So, being an honest sort I rang and told them I suffer from panic disorder and was a prozac 'lifer'.

This admission is not gonna cost me anything but, and here's the but, if I attend a hospital abroad and it is found that I am having a panic attack (not a heart attack or stroke) I am not covered by insurance.

Anyone else experienced this? Is it legal?

I think it stinks and is pretty discriminatory ......

Kay x

11-07-07, 23:08
I have never asked to be honest. I would have pretended I had no idea what it was and denied all knowledge of panics lol.

I guess they see it as a waste of money if we panic!!!!!

Crap I know but they have different rules overseas and are not like the NHS that we so commonly complain about !

11-07-07, 23:25
Hey Kay.

I have worked in Insurance for over 10 years and always been the same. Depends on which company you go through etc as each policy will have different restrictions. Even with asthma etc if you have been to doc or hosp in last 12 months other than for regular check up they will not cover you for that particular health prob.

If you are concerned shop around. There will be an Insurer that will cover you.

P.s We have questionnaires that ask Have you ever canx holiday due to panic etc. All down to Insurers not wanting to pay any claims out!!! Nothing new there.

Have great hol!!!

12-07-07, 17:01
Hi Kay

When I travel, I take out travel insurance that covers me for anxiety and depression, the usual ones with the travel agent dont normally cover this. Shop around as there are companies who at no extra charge will cover for our illnesses.

Darkangel x

12-07-07, 18:16
Latic and DA - thanks for the information. I didn't know about the asthma thing or that you could get a policy that covered anxiety etc.

16-07-07, 23:18
Sorry for not thanking people who replied. My dad had a stroke earlier this week and so things have been mad for me. At the rate things are going this end, looks like I'm gonna have to cancel anyway. Wonder if they'll say it's coz of my anxiety I've cancelled and refuse to pay up. My monies on that one!
Cheers all

Kay x