View Full Version : Splinter sensation in finger but no splinter?

20-03-18, 04:52
Anyone experience this?
I'm trying to figure out if it's a Dr's visit or not.
I've had it for about 3 weeks so if it were truly a splinter - albeit minuscule, wouldn't it have come out by now?
I've poked and prodded, soaked it and nothing.
If I rub my finger over it I can feel it - it feels exactly like a splinter, I can even pinpoint the pain, if I wash my hands I can feel it or rub my finger over something I can feel it; like a splinter, but nothing is there.

Has anyone experienced this weird thing?
Any idea what it could be?
I get Dyshidrotic Eczema (self diagnosed) and i have that on my finger so I wonder if it's linked to that but I had the prickle sensation before the ezcema.
I"m on my computer all the time .... but honestly, I'm thinking of going to the DR as it's been 3 weeks and maybe it's a weird symptom of something .... like a neurological defect. :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:


---------- Post added at 04:52 ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 ----------


20-03-18, 08:08
Tan you are winding up again, your have 3 threads on the go for different things.

Please stop and take a minute to see if you can tackle these worries in a different way.



20-03-18, 16:52
Yes. I get that from time to time also. It feels like a burning, stinging sensation. I guess like having a splinter is a good way to describe it. Take your mind off of it and let it go away on its own. Sometimes the body just has aches and pains that cannot be explained, but 9 out 10 times they go away on their own. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself given enough time.

20-03-18, 17:03

I agree with Elen, you have threads about three very minor physical issues on the go. Reading them objectively I think to myself 'but those are such tiny things, why would you go to the doctor about those', but to your mind they are growing into major concerns. Everyone gets little 'oddities' that happen now and again, the human body doesn't function in 100 percent perfect state all the time.

21-03-18, 00:45
I have had this happen in my fingers and my toes before.

22-03-18, 02:00
Thanks Leslie, yes it's super weird! I just have to say - for people with HA this is a forum where you can share what's going on in your mind, I notice lately that if I share this type of information I get people making me almost feel bad for sharing, I appreciate that when we have HA as we may post more and other times we are ok - but this is a safe site for people like me - so don't make me bad for sharing please. x Thanks to everyone that helped!

22-03-18, 12:23
I hear what you're saying but why isn't it productive to challenge your thoughts when they're so skewed? You need to hear those things so you can take them in and challenge yourself :) Isn't that the real goal? If you just want a sounding board and reassurance, that won't push you to get better :lac:

Positive thoughts

22-03-18, 13:06
I hear what you say too....but I also like to try and 'challenge' and provide more than just 'its ok, its nothing, I have that too'. I do attempt to make it measured with a touch of 'its ok, its nothing' as well. :unsure:

22-03-18, 16:45
My two cents, and why I think there is so much frustration on both sides. When we are in the throes of HA, what we want more than anything is for the fear to stop. We want someone to say the magic words that will break through our belief that we are right this time and give us that "a-ha" moment where we realise this couldn't possibly be what we think it is. When we are in this frame of mind, telling us it's HA is simply not going to get through, because at this point we are totally convinced we are right (this time). We WANT to believe it's just HA, but we are unable. So to say, go get therapy or go get meds does nothing to alleviate the anxiety. And this is why people post their symptoms over and over. In the hope that someone will post that magic response that ends the fear

22-03-18, 19:59
I have felt this many times. It could very well be a small splinter that you cannot see. Do you remember having handled anything like cheap glass, splintery wood, steel wool, aluminum foil, etc? I would put a bandaid on it so that you don't touch it and let the body do its thing. Even if there is no blood or no visible wound, a bandaid will prevent you from agitating it, which will help it heal if it is in fact some kind of splinter.

22-03-18, 20:09
Ooops, I forgot to say, I've had this innumerable times too. Sometimes it's a small fibre that's not visible to the naked eye. It's NOT anything neurological

22-03-18, 20:12
And this is why people post their symptoms over and over. In the hope that someone will post that magic response that ends the fear

Which is why I think we need to reiterate that unfortunately this response does not exist.

Posted as KK, not Mismanagement Controller

22-03-18, 20:21
Which is why I think we need to reiterate that unfortunately this response does not exist.

No sadly it doesn't, it really doesn't, as the answer is inside each of us ourselves.

22-03-18, 20:33
Which is why I think we need to reiterate that unfortunately this response does not exist.

Posted as KK, not Mismanagement Controller

And maybe realising that this response does not exist and accepting that it doesn't exist-without anger- is the first step towards stepping away from the HA forum and finding resources to help elsewhere on the forum or in the real world?

15-08-22, 05:43
Its been long! But what was it, feeling the same thing on my index finger

30-07-24, 18:59
Been a long time, but I too would like to know if this was resolved because I am having the same issue. I’ve gotten this once or twice before, but it went away within a day or two. It’s been 10 days for me now. I even went to urgent care and had the nurse look at my finger With a magnifier under a bright light and she could see nothing. They also did an x-ray which showed nothing. I am still having the sensation. She told me that it could be a neurological thing and that they will get me in touch with a hand surgeon. She also told me that she has gotten this herself and she doesn’t know what the cause is and it just goes away on its own, but it is absolutely driving me crazy it feels like there is tiny fiber in my finger and it only hurts when I touch it so I don’t see how this can be a nerve thing. Does anyone have any answers? What is this mystery?