View Full Version : afraid of getting pregnant

20-03-18, 09:12

i wanted to post a concern of mine that is bugging me for a while now..

i am 37 married and i want to start a family. However i am really really anxious about it. I do suffer from health anxiety. I keep thinking what if something bad happens to me while i am pregnant (pregnancy complications) or i develop a bad illness, or what if something happens to the baby (or the baby not be healthy)....etc.

or what if have anxiety outbreaks during pregnancy..and i wont be able to handle.

All these thoughts are keeping me back from trying from getting pregnant.

I would appreciate some answers from all the lady sufferers who went trough same thoughts but found the strength to do it.

thank you all

20-03-18, 09:42
Hey love, i’m 23 no kids so never been pregnant but did want to write on here to maybe help.

When you’re pregnant, you are going to doctors appointments for scans, check ups, you have a midwife, you’re always going to be around and have contact with people who know what they are doing

You can’t let your anxiety stop you from starting a family. You just can’t.
I know its hard and i know it may be scary, but you will be in very good hands throughout

You don’t want to look back in 30 years and regret not having started a family

Don’t let your anxiety rule over you, easier said than done i know but this is your future and you have to grab it by the horns.

20-03-18, 16:00

I'm a new mom of a 4 month old and I developed severe health anxiety for the first time while pregnant.

If having a baby is something you and your partner really want, don't let the anxiety ruin it for you.

I would recommend you talk to your GP about possibly safe medication for anxiety during pregnancy too as most SSRI medications are safe.

If you have any questions at all, I'm an open book and can tell you all about my experience. Just send me a PM if you want to chat more.


20-03-18, 16:41
I have three children and I actually found that my anxiety on the whole was better during my pregnancies. I think the fact that you are being so regularly checked up on and monitored means that you get a lot of reassurance. There is always the chance that things could go wrong, but most of the time if they do then they are spotted and the vast majority of pregnancies turn out well. I did find my anxiety was bad when my children were actually born, but there is a lot of help available for new mums.

20-03-18, 16:46
I would recommend you talk to your GP about possibly safe medication for anxiety during pregnancy too as most SSRI medications are safe.

I actually think that SSRIs are frowned upon while pregnant. I think the reason is that the baby can actually go through withdrawal symptoms when it is born.

Being pregnant may affect your hormones enough that the anxiety takes second seat to being pregnant. Read books on child rearing and child birth, it may help to go into it informed so you don't question every little thing during.

Good luck.

20-03-18, 16:55
Most doctors will prescribe one of the safer SSRIs during pregnancy if they consider it necessary. I didn't take anything during my pregnancies but I have friends who did.

21-03-18, 06:26
thank you all for your kind replies. you will be hearing more from me once the time comes...god's will.

21-03-18, 18:53
I have three children and I actually found that my anxiety on the whole was better during my pregnancies.

I have four children and I also found that pregnancy hormones helped lessen my health anxiety each time I was pregnant. Probably the worst time is just the first few weeks while I'm processing the new situation and the hormones haven't kicked in all the way (and morning sickness hasn't started yet to take my mind off everything else...).

21-03-18, 19:23
Please don’t let the fear of pregnancy stop you. I was always scared - of pretty much exactly the same things as you.

It wasn’t a breeze, but it was also an amazing experience.

Midwives are amazingly supportive! In fact everyone is supportive when you’re pregnant or a new Mum. Take advantage of the help & advice. I joined a pregnancy forum, and I found the experience of others invaluable.

Wishing you lots of luck x

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23-03-18, 02:15
If it helps you any, other than preeclampsia & morning sickness I had a fantastic pregnancy. I loved being pregnant, and even with 28 week diagnosis of preeclampsia which scared me to pieces, I delivered at 39 weeks, so that’s great!
My son is 2 now and I’m terrified to get pregnant again. I can’t put my finger on what triggered this for me. We want more children, but like you fear is standing in my way.

23-03-18, 02:32
I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant and have had severe health anxiety my whole life! I also suffer from emetophobia which was a huge factor in my delaying the pregnancy. To be honest like some other posters said it does lessen your HA to an extent. I did get morning sickness but luckily with all my years as an emetophobe I prevented actually vomiting. As far as worrying about my normal HA stuff I definitely do but for some reason it’s not heightened as much. I think because you do get seen by your doc so much it’s not as bad. I’ve had maybe two major panic attacks in my pregnancy and one was over some fears for my husband. I’ve had some minor ones and still intrusive thoughts but not as much. I say don’t let it stop you! If this is what you truly want.. you’ll regret it later if you don’t end up having babies.

02-04-18, 17:58
Hey Ladies. I’m in the same boat. I’m a bit older (39) and my fear is just being an older pregnant woman and fearing for the worse because of the greater risks. I also feel rushed because I am older so I fear that I won’t have time to make sure I’m healthy enough for preganancy and at my preconception appointments I was feeling good but now I’m having some symptoms (likely health anxiety related) that I need to have checked out, but that will take some time and meanwhile I’m growing even older. There are just too many variables and I know I’m overthinking. If I had a chance to be a mom earlier I suppose it would be easier but these were the cards I was dealt.

09-04-18, 21:23
Hey Ladies. I’m in the same boat. I’m a bit older (39) and my fear is just being an older pregnant woman and fearing for the worse because of the greater risks. I also feel rushed because I am older so I fear that I won’t have time to make sure I’m healthy enough for preganancy and at my preconception appointments I was feeling good but now I’m having some symptoms (likely health anxiety related) that I need to have checked out, but that will take some time and meanwhile I’m growing even older. There are just too many variables and I know I’m overthinking. If I had a chance to be a mom earlier I suppose it would be easier but these were the cards I was dealt.

I meant to reply to this days ago, sorry,

I’m an older Mum. I had the same worries & anxieties. Young Mums have worries & anxiety too. Are you a member of any pregnancy forums? I recommend them x

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