View Full Version : feeling horrible

12-07-07, 10:14

I am feeling pretty bad at the moment. My anxiety is dragging me down and giving me no hope for the future. My son starts secondary school in Sept and i set myself a goal to get a job then, but the thought terrifies me. Everyone at his primary school are excited about the changes, but i dont want change, the only thing that i do is take and pick my son up from school, it makes me feel i am doing something positive and is the only social outlet i have. Now that is being taken away from me and i fear i willbcome even more useless thn i am now. My son has got in to a really good school and i am so proud but it scares me to think i will have to let him go bit by bit. He is growing up and i have focused on him so much but i am becoming more and more redundant. I have no idea what i will do when i no longer am needed to take him to school and back.
I want to look ahead, get a job(i need the money!!!!) but my general and social anxiety is crippling me. Just want to turn the clock back and start all over again.
I am so frightened of whats to come.
I am seeing a psychologist tomorrow, i am anxious, but maybe she will help.
Just want to enjoy life not be scared of it.
Ther is so much i want to do.
What a waste.

Sorry to waffle, but feel if i keep going on to my husband and parents i will drive them crazy. No one else to talk to.


12-07-07, 10:45
Hiya hun
:hugs: sorry to hear your going through such a bad time.
Change is hard because its new and unknown but with time it will get easier.
Your son will need you alot throughout secondary school. You may not need to take him to school and back but he will still need you.
He will make new friends too. Maybe you could get to know his friends parents and stuff.
Getting a job can be a terrifing thing but the thought is far worse then acctually doing it. Think about the kind of things you want to do, in which location and make a few inquiries. But take it at your own pace. soometimes though you do have to bite the bullet. And you always have us lot to talk to if your worried or just need a hug.
I hope it goes well with the pycologist.
Yoiu can do it hun. Dont keep putting yourself down and automatically thinking "i cant do that". Start thinking i could give that ago. It does get easier.
Take care

12-07-07, 20:57
Hi Josephine

Have some hugs from me hun:hugs: :hugs:

My girls are grown up now, and i too remember when they where little, the thought of them been independent and not needing me anymore terrified me. But like Blackie says they are just thoughts and sittuations do change, i started to get involved in social things, line dancing, i joined the gym etc and made new friends. I hope your appointment goes well tommo hun and you start to feel better soon.:hugs:


13-07-07, 09:28
Thankyou so much for your kind replies.
Im off to the psychologists in a while. I feel a bit silly talking about my problems but i will see how it goes.

Love Josephinex