View Full Version : 25 year old male with a suspicious malignant mole on back

20-03-18, 19:31
There is no doubt that I suffer from health anxiety. I do not want to piss the doctors off any more: going to them with a mole and them simply saying again that I am worrying over nothing. But this mole has certainly grown, and shares many characteristics of a malignant mole. Irregular border and colour. Can any one tell me if this is something I should get an expert opinion about? thank in advance.

20-03-18, 19:41
No one here is qualified to say. If you're that concerned, see a doctor. That being said, if it were on me? Pffft... looks normal.

Positive thoughts

20-03-18, 19:50
Your post starts off there is no doubt that I suffer from HA, Right so if there is no doubt about that, why don't you see your dr about getting help for your HA?? And no I wouldnt bother your dr about the moles :) ATB

20-03-18, 19:53
Thank you for your replies. This forum has been a great asset to me in the past, with a previous issue I had around a year ago. I will visit the doctor in order to gain thier professional opinion. And I have chosen a psychologist to contact once they reasuure me I am ok.

Has anyone in the UK had any experience with pushdoctor - online video chat with doctors?

20-03-18, 20:03
Ok that's great start :) get proactive on fixing your HA. Well that's up to you, will you believe your dr? He can refer you to psychologist state you HA worries to your dr as this is the way forward. As for push doctor don't use it prefer to a see a dr in person so don't know ATB

20-03-18, 20:13
After what happened last time I will listen to the DR. Stress has cetainly burned a few years of life off me. But I have several lymph nodes swollen in my neck, which was what triggered my HA breakdown last year. I think it may be related that this mole has metasied into lymph nodes. I will see a Doc 2moro, hear his words. and then great treatment for HA.

After my breakdown last year, I have also had a permanent change to the volume of sperm I ejaculate, and the temperature of my testicles - which are always feverously hot, I think it all may be related.

20-03-18, 20:20
and the temperature of my testicles - which are always feverously hot, I think it all may be related.

Brings new meaning to the song "Great Balls of Fire"! :D

Positive thoughts and Goodness, Gracious!

20-03-18, 20:56
Brilliant mate glad you are going to get help for you HA :) Let us know how you get on too ATB

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

Brings new meaning to the song "Great Balls of Fire"! :D

Positive thoughts and Goodness, Gracious!:roflmao: Thanks for the laugh its always the best medicine and no side effects Yay FMP ;)

20-03-18, 21:09
Thank you all for your effort