View Full Version : Here we go AGAIN -

12-07-07, 10:46
My daughter has moaned about having pains in her stomach for the last couple of days which I know are her glands and probably means she is coming down with something. She woke up this morning and mentioned she has a sore throat. I know it is probably just a cold but I am now in anxious mode.
I am imagining high temperatures, hospitol etc. etc. I am just sat waiting for the phone to ring and it will be the school asking me to collect her.
Have lots planned for the weekend as it is her birthday but I know where ever we go I will be watching her every move.

I always picture the worse.

12-07-07, 11:52
Hi there,

i can totally sympathise with this one. My youngest is 3 and has been off colour for a few weeks now, just the usual coughs, colds, upset tummy but not bad anough to warrant it trip to the docs. I worry from the minute they come down with something till the minute they are better. Are they too hot or cold, breathing ok, glands up etc etc.
There is such a lot going around especially with this odd weather and don't you always find they get ill around their birthdays?!
I'm sure she'll be fine ((((hugs)))))

love anx x