View Full Version : I filmed one of my panic attacks... and it was a 7/10 severity

21-03-18, 00:27
Okay, so let me start of by saying I don’t really get these anymore, since taking my new medication as instructed they have really really calmed down, I was on the edge before things got better, I saw no end to them, in the video you can see the effect it was having on me. I know I look a mess in this video and all that but it’s mainly been posted so that others can see they’re not alone and I know that when I was having them, I’d search YouTube for videos and used to find that they was never quite like how I got which worried me more into thinking maybe what I was experiencing wasn’t panic... it was.

Below is the link for the video, I apologise for the quality of the video as I mentioned it was never intended to be posted.


Let me know your experience im really interested

04-04-18, 23:05
Hi Jack,
I've just seen your video and I'm very happy your new medication can help you to calm down. As for me, my panic attacks were completely different:
- my legs were shaking like crazy (no way to stop them).
- my heart was beating so fast that I could hear the sound
- no way to speak
- cold sweat from the forehead
Really hope you feel better now !!!

06-04-18, 12:52
Hope you feel better now. I can relate to this on so many levels, my new worry is my throat and it's constantly feeling swollen and even choke when I swallow sometimes which is scary. It's sore alot and I'm guessing it's from all the poking and prodding I do. My vision is bad and when in an attack I get dry mouth, palpitations, rush of cold and warm all over my body. A few weeks ago one side of my face was numb for a few days. Hoping it doesn't last too long this time around. I can't take any benzo's as I was addicted for a while and my doctor won't try me on new medication so I have to just ride it out until it passes.