View Full Version : handling symptoms poorly

21-03-18, 02:23
hi all... i generally handle physical symptoms more or less in stride, or i have been since my last big flare up... unfortunately, i'm right back in that dark place again and i feel like i'm losing my mind. my last significant (i.e. lasting more than a week) 'relapse' was a couple months ago (i think?) and i've been doing well since, but there's been a problem.

i went to the ER the other night for a migraine and they gave me compazine, which was for nausea. within minutes of that being administered through the line i was in full panic mode, ready to rip my iv out and bolt. i didn't, of course, but i could barely process anything for the remainder of the night; i couldn't figure out how to use my phone or speak or really even listen to anything properly. the nurse was hardly any help so i demanded to go home asap.

since then, i've had lingering effects that come in waves. i feel like i can't sit still, my throat is tight, my body is twitching horribly and i feel every now and then as though my body is jerking involuntarily and, at its worst, i'll just randomly burst into tears from what i can only describe as existential discomfort. sans the crying, these are all normal for me more or less when i'm stressed but i cannot get it out of my mind that something is seriously seriously wrong.

i'm really scared i'll never go back to normal and this is just something i'll have to feel and deal with forever. has anyone had a similar experience or does somebody have words of advice or comfort? i feel like i'm going crazy and losing my mind :^(