View Full Version : Three Painless Tonsil 'Ulcers'/Spots 3~Months

21-03-18, 02:42
Hello, I am a 23 year old male, otherwise healthy but a non-heavy smoker.

I have not yet seen a doctor about this particular tonsil issue but I am driving myself insane in the meantime, being a longtime hypochondriac. Indeed, the hypochondria makes me scared to go to the doctor in case its bad news hence why I keep putting off my appointment. I will try and go tomorrow.

The issue is with my tonsils, and began several months ago. I noticed a yellow bump/spot on the side of my right tonsil, after a couple of months I saw the doctor who reassured me it was nothing to worry about. He checked my tonsils as well as my neck and said there was nothing abnormal - this was December.

However, in early January I decided to have a look at my tonsil to see if the spot/bump had gone - it had. However, I happened to notice something that almost looked like an ulcer, despite there being no pain, though it is probably more accurate to describe it as a spot/bump.

I had never seen it before, its near the bottom of the tonsil, which would ordinarily be hidden by the tongue, closer inspection revealed a second one very near to it, they are almost on the tonsillar pillar. There is a third one in the same location on the other side (as in the third one is near the left tonsil, the two together being on/near the right tonsil). The lone one is quite flat and yellow/flesh coloured. All are similar coloured but almost look more like cysts/ulcers. There is no pain whatsoever and there seems to have been little change over the past three months, but I am driving myself crazy with worry. All three are similar sized and quite small, lump like but a little flatter.

I'd like to think that if something sinister was going on with my tonsils that my doctor would have noticed it when checking the original bump back in December, but being a hypochondriac I tend not to think logically about these things.

In addition, and this really could just be the hypochondria/my constant worrying/looking at the tonsils with mirrors, but it feels like there is something in the back of my throat, on one side, behind the tonsils, it isn't there all the time but has been the past few days. It doesn't interfere with breathing, eating etc and cant see anything there, but it is irritating.

Any ideas/fellow sufferers/advice as to what could be going on?

21-03-18, 06:22

Unfortunately, I don't really know what could be going on with you, as I'm not a doctor. What you're describing could be something, or as you say, it could be nothing. The back of the mouth is kind of an odd looking place at the best of times.

You should see your doctor about this problem if you are seriously concerned and would like it checked out. They have a responsibility to help you and ensure that you're okay (not saying you aren't).

Think about it this way. You recognize that you have health anxiety, or hypochondria, so you're avoiding the doctor due to fear of a bad diagnosis. The thing is, that works against you. I'm not in any way saying you have a health problem, but if you did, your avoidance of a bad diagnosis could leave something to become a worse diagnosis. So, see how it kind of circles around and bites you in the butt?

If you aren't getting help with your anxiety/hypochondria, that would probably be a good idea. It can do a lot for your life, and it can also help you to face situations like these.

21-03-18, 20:33
Thanks for your response, I know its a stupid thing to be doing but I guess that is the nature of the hypochondria. Part of me knows its unlikely to be bad with the doctor having looked recently but the other side has the 'what if they missed it' etc.

22-03-18, 15:08
I wouldn't usually suggest googling symptoms but in this case, Google "tonsil stones". I would imagine this is what is going on, lots of people get them, They're not dangerous and super common but can make it look like you have lumps in your tonsils.