View Full Version : Eye Vision

21-03-18, 03:33
For a couple weeks I've been dealing with eye problems I'm not gonna lie I spend my time on my phone and playing video games and I don't sit too close to my TV

Lately my eyes have been feeling off I see fine but I just feel different? My eyes feel strain all the time of course Ive been on my phone less cause of this, i can't stand bright lights no more and its sorta giving me headaches and lastly ive been seeing (blue?) white tiny balls of light of some sort in my peripheral vision, they only last a few seconds

I'm not sure what I'm asking really maybe some advice someone to calm me down? cause of curiosity and anxiety I keep finding websites that I might loose my vision and I'm freaking out.

(Since I don't have my license my mother takes me to my appointments and its hard to discuss these types of issues cause she will just call me crazy or I'm being stupid)

21-03-18, 05:43
Hi you are not alone :) If you see my previous replies to some of the posts here you will find i experience hell of visual problems. From stars in eyes and peripherals to blue and green lights etc